Get Free Lenormand Readings
Lenormand readings give you practical insight into your everyday life as it unfolds before you; they are more geared towards looking outwards than looking in. Paired with the tarot, they give you a profound balanced overview of your experience, giving you the ability to reflect on how your external circumstances and the events in your life come together to create your personal, internal narrative.
This narrative is what shapes us; it affects the choices that we make, and how we approach our lives. By better understanding the narrative that we choose to create for ourselves, we can learn to live more authentically, peacefully and wholly present.

Journal Digital and Physical Lenormand Readings
Have a physical deck? Record your readings and interpretations.
Looking for a system to journal your learnings, without using only digital readings? You can pull cards from your own deck and log them with this app.
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Automatically Generate Pair Interpretations
Read Lenormand as it’s meant to be, through pairs and combinations.
Each reading lets you swipe through to see possible combinations of cards. That's 1260 possible combinations right at your fingertips.
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Learn Individual Cards Through Lessons
Practice your reading skills with flashcard based lessons.
If you're learning to improve your lenormand reading skills, Labyrinthos also includes short, quick, bit-sized lessons you can do throughout your day.
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