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Monsters Refinding their Purpose
When humankind was young and frightened, we created many creatures to accompany us on our journey in life: guardians, monsters, gods and spirits, all of which gave us context and meaning in a world that was chaotic.
Labyrinthos was founded in order to bring the joy back into these monster’s lives, as well as help our students unlock their unconscious selves. We created these monsters, and it’s our responsibility to help them reintegrate into our consciousness.
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But it’s 2016 - we’ve matured, and no longer have any use for the creatures that we used to hold so dear to us. Without any attention and support, many have wasted away in an indefinite retirement, watching reruns of documentaries that celebrate their faded glory, haunting temples in which they were formally worshipped, or watching their good intentions be tarnished with misunderstandings.Have you ever had these tasty things called s’mores? DUDE THEY ARE SO GOOD.

Still, their passions for helping, terrorizing, or nagging humanity into action have not faded. Today, our lives have gotten increasingly complex to navigate, and our civilization is in more need of guidance and clarity than ever.New anthropological study reveals unknown pagan god caused obesity pandemic in cavemen.
Labyrinthos was founded in order to bring the joy back into these monster’s lives, as well as help our students unlock their unconscious selves. We created these monsters, and it’s our responsibility to help them reintegrate into our consciousness.
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