Use Tarot and Astrology Together, Explore Your Psyche and the Universe
Both tarot and astrology come from a similar root; they are both methods of giving our inner worlds an outer form so we can more easily explore and articulate complex inner processes and emotions. Using myths, stories and archetypal imagery, both tarot and astrology provide frameworks for a better understanding of the self. It is no surprise then, that there are so many correspondences between these two systems.
Just as with tarot, we do not consider astrology as a method for fortune-telling, but as symbolic representations of unconscious, cyclical energy present during a particular time and place, describing a kind of emotional weather or climate. The images, such as the animals and creatures of the zodiac, are just memorable short-hands for more complex ideas. If you’re already somewhat familiar with either of these systems, this workbook can be the starting point for you to explore the other and relate the two of them in your own terms.

Tarot & Astrology Workbook Contents
Planet and Zodiac Sign Correspondences
Journal your way through the stars, and explore the basic components of astrology using tarot cards. Journaling prompts help subtly guide you to seeing the connections between astrological archetypes and tarot archetypes.Minor Arcana Correspondences
Build on your foundational knowledge of tarot and astrology by exploring the minor arcana using the ancient concept of the Chaldean Order. Learn the pattern that connects both the minor arcana and astrological concepts.Court Card Correspondences
Each court card is made up of two zodiac signs and three minor arcana cards. See each of the court cards in a new light based on the information that you've already learned in previous sections.See Your Natal Chart in Tarot
Learn how to use tarot for astrological readings. Put your knowledge of the entire tarot deck and astrology together to interpret your own natal chart. Use a combination of astrology and tarot to dive deeper into yourself.Interpret Planetary Positions
Want additional context for your tarot readings? Planetary positions give the overall environment that your questions to the tarot live in. Learn to translate planetary positions into the tarot, and read them with tarot cards.Reference Sheets
Comprehensive astrology and tarot reference sheets with key concepts, definitions, correspondences, meanings, keywords and more. Our reference sheets should give you a foundational knowledge of astrology.
This Tarot & Astrology Workbook is for:
- Readers that are already comfortable reading the tarot from an intuitive, narrative perspective, but are curious about tarot’s esoteric origins and connections.
- People with a background in both tarot and astrology, but without knowledge of how they are connected.
- Readers with a strong background in tarot, but only know the basics of astrology.
- Anyone curious about how to combine both tarot and astrology to use as methods of self-introspection and understanding.
- Anyone curious about exploring your natal chart using imagery from the tarot.
After Completing this Tarot & Astrology Workbook, You’ll:
- Be able to do a tarot-based natal chart reading.
- Develop a strong understanding of your own personal tarot-based natal chart, providing you with further insight to yourself.
- Be able to use tarot to interpret planetary positions.
- Understand the astrological correspondences for each and every one of the 78 tarot cards in your deck.
- Be able to weave together two important esoteric systems that can infuse your tarot readings with an additional layer of rich history and background information.