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The Zodiac Sign Sagittarius Symbol - Personality, Strengths, Weaknesses

By Tina Gong


Sagittarius is a zodiac sign represented by the symbol of a centaur with a bow and arrow. Sagittarians are known as curious and wandering philosophers, sure to follow their own direction.

  • Dates: November 23 – December 21
  • Symbol: The Archer
  • Duality: Active
  • Element: Fire
  • Quality: Mutable
  • Ruling Planet: Jupiter 
  • Tarot Card: Temperance 

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign Personality

Sagittarius is a sign that loves to roam and wander. They don't like to be stuck in a routine that is boring and repetitive. They curiosity about all things drives them to have an adventurous lifestyle that allows them to move around and indulge in their love for questioning the world, dreaming about its mysteries and experiencing all the best pleasures it has to offer. Most have a large group of friends that they have accumulated during their travels, all who all have different lifestyles, opinions, tastes and experiences.

This zodiac sign can be rather impatient with people who are happy staying in their routines or accepting things without questioning other possibilities. They find peace and harmony in pursuing spiritual experiences, seeking to understand the “why”s behind everything. They seem to have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge - and this becomes rooted in their character. You might know a friend born under Sagittarius that perhaps they feel pulled towards Eastern philosophies, and is eager to share those views with you.

People who fall under the zodiac sign of Sagittarius tend to be highly intelligent and need lots of mental stimulation to keep themselves motivated and happy. There outgoing, compassionate nature means that this can be something that they are good at teaching others to enjoy.

Positives of Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Strengths: Ambitious, Lucky, Moral, Optimistic, Enthusiastic, Open-minded, Versatile

Those born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius are some of the most optimistic people in the world. They are lovers of humanity and of the human experience, making them friendly people filled with warmth. As the philosopher of the zodiac signs, they love too sharing their optimism, lifting others up from their mundane reality into discovering new worlds and possibilities to explore. There is a childlike innocence to these people; they say what they mean, are straightforward and honest, and you never have to guess about what they’re really thinking.

That innocence seems to bring them quite a bit of luck - their openness to new experiences means that even though they may just float through life with not a care in the world, they are always at the right place in the right time.

In all aspects of their lives, people born under Sagittarius will be creative, whether it is in work situations, their friendships, and the path that they take in life. They love new experiences and are never afraid to try new things or visit new places. They will push those around them to do new things and to make themselves grow. Their intelligence, especially their emotional intelligence, makes them great friends and listeners. They tend to be very interesting people because of their knowledge of many things, and the many stories from their travels.

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A black and white list of zodiac sign characteristics formatted for printers. Includes keywords, planetary rulers, symbols, elements and modalities.

Negatives of Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Weaknesses: Gluttonous, Lazy, Restless, Irresponsible, Blindly Optimistic, Tactless

While most of the time, those with the Sagittarius zodiac sign are very open and accepting, one thing that they can’t seem to tolerate is close mindedness. Additionally, it can be difficult to keep a Sagittarian in one place for a long time, as they get bored rather easily. Sometimes that means that they can change their minds very quickly, meaning that they come off as rather fickle. It’s not so much that you’ll catch a Sagittarian in a lie when they say one thing one day and another the next - it’s usually that they meant what they said both times, but…simply changed their mind about it.

Alas, trying to tie them down will only be a mistake in the long run. Their optimism means that they don’t really see reality for what it is sometimes - and this can sometimes translate into denial. Practically, this translates to becoming bored with small details. They often come up with ambitious ideas that they don't follow through with. They can get distracted by other projects and desires, and not because they aren't capable of getting things done. They are quite capable, only that they just find it difficult to fully apply themselves, especially if the projects are long term.

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Get the Claves Astrologicae, a 44-card astrology oracle deck. Use the zodiac, the planets, the houses and the phases of the moon to guide you.

Love and Relationships for Sagittarius Zodiac Sign 

In love and relationships, those born under the Sagittarius zodiac sign need to have constant adventures and opportunities to grow to remain interested. You may have guessed that the centaur finds it difficult to commit, since their freedom is of the utmost importance to them. The live for the chase, and are often hard to pin down. The benefits of this are that they expect as well as give lots of freedom to their partners, for they know how important it is to have space to grow, explore, and develop as individuals.

They tend to need partners who love adventure, travel and spirituality as much as they do. You might find quite a few that enjoy hiking, sports and physical activity, as well as all things that prove challenging. Always enthusiastic, they are curious and passionate about love and their optimism is another gift that they will share with their partners. While they seem to love talking about everything under the sun, one thing they will have difficulty speaking about is their feelings. Always living in the present, their love for their partners will be earnest, sincere and true, though sometimes fleeting. For many of them, the depth of emotions doesn’t equate to a long term commitment.

Friends and Family for Sagittarius Zodiac Sign 

Friends and family will love the stories and insights that their Sagittarius has. They may feel neglected at times when they go off and travel and share experiences with strangers instead, but they should feel comforted knowing that Sagittarians do not forget their family ties easily and will always come back to their roots. They like to be adventurous and build their own global family - adding to their circle through their explorations. They tend to have an extended circle of friends, and may not have particularly constant ties like other signs might, but they instead prefer to have deep conversations and share moments with as many people as possible.

Career for Sagittarius Zodiac Sign 

When it comes to jobs and careers, those born under the Sagittarius zodiac sign need to have flexibility and room to explore and wander. They are happiest in freelance roles, or jobs that allow them to travel. They love to meet new people and get different perspectives, so many of them make good leaders. In these cases, they do need a good earth sign as a second in command to keep them grounded and in the right direction. They can be good team workers, using their great intelligence and tolerant ear to work well with other people. However, they need to be motivated to stay on track or they can get distracted and seem lazy or weak-minded.

Zodiac Sign Sagittarius Cheat Sheet and Infographic

The Zodiac Sign Sagittarius Symbol - Personality, Strengths, Weaknesses - Sagittarius cheat sheet and infographic

Labyrinthos Academy Crest: Tarot for Health, Wellness and Psychological Balance


  • Susan
    I agree with being lazy at times but I don’t think I’m irresponsible . Otherwise every else is true lol
  • Lisa
    I couldn’t describe myself better. It’s all me…
  • Joel
    This is me to a T. Seriously I’m 32 and I dont read into astrology ever so this is my first time reading this and it couldn’t possibly be more accurate…
  • Cancel The Hacker
    Lol, this almost discribes me. Not fully, but mostly
  • Ooh
    lol, the fact that we’re all in denial about being lazy is so cute. #sagnation (in our defense we CAN be lazy, but yk the rest ;))

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