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The Zodiac Sign Scorpio Symbol - Personality, Strengths, Weaknesses

By Tina Gong


The sign of Scorpio is represented naturally, as a scorpion, whose venomous and sometimes lethal sting can reflect Scorpio’s aggression when provoked.

  • Dates: October 23 - November 22
  • Symbol: The Scorpion
  • Duality: Receptive
  • Element: Water
  • Quality: Fixed
  • Ruling Planet:  Pluto
  • Tarot Card: Death 

Scorpio Zodiac Sign Personality

Scorpios love to enjoy their own company, so much so that they can become irritated if they are not given their personal alone time. They are one of the most independent signs of the zodiac and work very well by themselves. Most of them will have an air of mysterious darkness around them, they are great at keeping secrets and feel emotions very intensely. Because of their independence, they tend to mature very quickly as children, and become fiercely determined (sometimes even forceful) adults.

It also means that they can be fearless when it comes to trying new things and challenging themselves with the unknown. They have a strong reputation of being bold,  and because of this, other signs admire and look up to them for inspiration. Their bravery and courage, alongside their protectiveness towards others who cannot stand for themselves, often means that they are placed in leadership positions.

Scorpios are deeply interested in uncovering truth; the inner workings of others and the the human mind. Scorpios can come across as one of the more controlling and conniving zodiac signs by others that don't understand them. They seem to go and back and forth between extremes - their personalities showing paradoxical qualities. You may meet a Scorpio that is both aloof and passionate, one that is independent but also strangely clingy.

Positives of Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Strengths: Passionate, Driven, Perceptive, Emotional, Sacrificing, Determined

One of the most misunderstood signs in the zodiac, Scorpios may appear cold and unapproachable, and indeed many have an intimidating air. Bubbling just beneath the surface is turbulent waters, intense passions and feelings that are hidden at first glance. They often have great self-control, more so than most others. In fact, they crave control - it gives them a feeling of safety and security.

Despite being rather private about themselves, they love getting to the truth of things - and their intuitions about others are typically very strong and correct, meaning that their ability to decipher the essence behind things are fast and efficient.

Many Scorpios are protective of both themselves and others and will rarely allow themselves to get hurt. This means that they are usually quite secretive and rarely show their feelings. They will protect their friends quite fiercely and most tend to give great advice, given that they love knowing how our minds work. Because they can keep secrets, they tend to be valued deeply by their friends and are very trustworthy.

Because their emotions often drive all their actions, they tend to have a great intensity, sometimes misinterpreted as anger. This makes them focused and dedicated to anything that they decide to put their energy into. They usually tend to be competitive, though they try and hide it.

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Negatives of Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Weaknesses: Vindictive, Paranoid, Destructive, Possessive, Jealous, Clingy

A Scorpio’s need for control can oftentimes mean that they seem intolerant, jealous and manipulative. Their possessive nature is oftentimes unwarranted. Given their love of analyzing people and their intentions, they can often see bad things on the horizon that aren't always there and can come across as very suspicious without any just cause. When in this state, their imagination can sometimes whip them into a jealous frenzy, and that can sometimes mean they dream up situations that simply aren’t true. They can start  assuming the worst about everything and everyone, making them lash out everywhere, sometimes even leading to self-destructive behavior. Scorpios can seem, to some signs, to be untrustworthy because of their tendencies to be quiet and their ability to keep secrets.

Another trait that is much feared by other zodiac signs is their sense of vengeance. They never forget a betrayal or insult, meaning that they can choose to retaliate even for the slightest of injuries. Scorpios can hold grudges for a long time and it is not a good idea to cross them. They can react aggressively when they feel threatened or jealous, living up to their animal namesake.

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Love and Relationships for Scorpio Zodiac Sign 

In their romantic relationships Scorpios are one of the most passionate of all the zodiac signs. They deeply enjoy the pleasures of intimacy - both physical and emotional. To a Scorpio, seekers of hidden truths, relationships are about revealing your inner self - revealing the reality under the surface. We must remember that Scorpios hide their intense feelings - and that they sometimes assume that this must be the case for others. In love, Scorpios expect and crave this kind of spiritual element - the joining together of two souls.

It is often difficult to resist a Scorpio - many tend to have a magnetism about them that will draw what they desire near. Their trust doesn’t come easily, but when they do open up, sharing with you their many complex layers, they expect their vulnerability to be well taken care of and protected. They return that respect with an intense loyalty and devotion. Because Scorpios are rather picky about the company they choose, especially when it comes to their partner, you can become one of the very few people that matter in the world for them.

One thing to remember is to never cross or betray them - they are very protective of their own feelings and this can lead them to bail rather than get hurt. If they are hurt, they do not forget quickly. Or ever. They hold grudges and anyone who cheats on a Scorpio should watch their back.

Friends and Family for Scorpio Zodiac Sign 

A person who falls under the sign of Scorpio makes a loyal member of the family, as well as a faithful friend. They tend to see from a very early age where the family dynamics lie and who to avoid and who to push further. They will stand up for anyone in their family who is being bullied, even against other family members. When they are given their own space, they will be happy to spend time with their family as long as it is not too draining for them. When planning out their lives they do include their family in their plans, but will be quick to remove any family members that cross them in any way.

Career for Scorpio Zodiac Sign 

In terms of jobs and careers, Scorpios are more suited to jobs where they can be independent and do things by themselves. Given their propensity to love the inner workings of the mind, Scorpios can be very well suited to psychology fields, and anything that lets them work with people, without having to work in a team necessarily. Scorpios would prefer not to be put in leadership positions, but will take the reins if they feel that their leader is incompetent or treating those underneath them unfairly. Scorpios can be very hard workers, though a lot of this work is done internally rather than externally which can make them seem like they aren't working when they are.

Zodiac Sign Scorpio Cheat Sheet and Infographic

Zodiac Sign Scorpio Cheat Sheet and Infographic - The Zodiac Sign Scorpio Symbol - Personality, Strengths, Weaknesses

Labyrinthos Academy Crest: Tarot for Health, Wellness and Psychological Balance


  • Gbemisoke
    Well everything has been said right everything said is actually what I see in myself everyday, cause I can never be bullied and love my family very much
  • David Newago
    I have always felt and seen my signs daily sayings and all of the future things pretty much all my stuff is totally like 150 percent true and it’s weird sometimes how close it is to whTs going on in my daily life!!!
  • Viv
    Wow, I am just speechless everything is accurate! I can define my jealousy outbursts more towards others success, or accomplishment, rather then jealousy of anyone’s looks or wealth!! I am very secure of myself and absolutely love intensely as well as protective of others. I have always been miss understood all my life. I’ve always knew that I was more mature than most anyone else, since a very young age. I am not vindictive any more I matured on to just allow karma to play its course. I also am very confident in my intuitions because they are scary & accurate in most cases, when regarding new people, situations, danger or even death!! This whole article only confirmed the way I describe myself to others 90% of the time… I simply enjoyed reading it to my husband & he was amazed at how accurate it describes me!!
  • Nate
    I’m so confused on how ever thing mentioned is completely me I have been mature since a young age looked after myself very understanding concerned for others I am a zodiac
  • Sarah
    Hi,my zodiac sign is scorpion. Every thing mentioned about scorpion is absolutely suits me.I am very possessive,Short tempered.. jealousy, revenger..moreover loving and caring..hard worker..I am willing to do anything fr my near nd dear ones anytime.

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