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The Second Aett of the Elder Futhark: Transformation, Time, and the Dynamic Web of Life
If the First Aett of the Elder Futhark represents the forces of creation and cosmic order, the Second Aett plunges us into the energies that stir, disrupt, and transform. These eight runes guide us through the cycles of time, the power of sacrifice, and the illumination of consciousness. They reflect the interplay between light and dark, balance and disruption, weaving a story of change and evolution.
As I did in the first blog post of this series, we're going to also go through the Norse mythology of each rune, to help weave another layer of magic into your own readings. I hope you'll enjoy bringing some of this knowledge in a more practical sense into your magical work.
The Deities of the Second Runic Aett
The Second Aett is governed by two powerful and contrasting deities: Mordgud and Heimdall. Together, they embody the balance of light and dark, life and death, and the transformational forces that weave through the runes of this aett. Their roles as bridge-keepers symbolize the thresholds we cross during times of profound change.
Mordgud: The Dark Guardian of Hel
Mordgud, or sometimes spelled Mordgrud, is a giantess goddess who stands as the keeper of the gold-roofed bridge over the River Gjoll, the entrance to Hel (the Norse underworld). It is a bit difficult to find information about her; and like Zisa, some erasure has occurred and she is not as well known as her male counterpart. I sadly cannot find any official images of her.
Based on what I can find about this archetype, I would imagine she embodies the concept of dissolution, breaking apart old structures to make way for renewal. Transformation often requires facing the darker aspects of existence—the loss, endings, and sacrifices necessary for growth.
The connection to Hel underscores the importance of confronting what lies beneath the surface; including grief, fear, and the inevitability of change. I would imagine that her energy is deeply tied to runes like Hagalaz, the rune of disruptive transformation, and Perthro, the rune of mystery and the unknown. Through this archetype, we are being encouraged to embrace the parts of life we cannot control, trusting that endings often lead to new beginnings.
Heimdall: The Radiant Guardian of Light
In contrast to Mordgud, Heimdall, the more well-known personality, is the Aesir god of vigilance, light, and protection. He stands watch over Bifrost, the shimmering rainbow bridge that connects Asgard (the realm of the gods) and Midgard (the human world). Heimdall’s role as a protector and guide highlights the themes of illumination, consciousness, and divine connection within the Second Aett.
Heimdall represents clarity, awareness, and the ability to see beyond the immediate moment. His association with the dawn and the beginning of new cycles aligns him with the transformational energies of the runes.
Heimdall’s presence resonates strongly with Sowilo, the rune of the sun and enlightenment, and Algiz, the rune of protection and spiritual connection. He reminds us to remain vigilant during times of change and to seek the light that emerges after darkness.
The Second Aett begins where the First Aett left off, moving from the bliss of creation to the challenges and complexities of change. Each rune captures a stage of the transformational journey, from disruption and necessity to sacrifice and ultimate illumination.

Chaos and Resilience: Hagalaz and Nauthiz
The Second Aett begins where the First left off, shifting from cosmic creation to the hard truths of existence. With Hagalaz and Nauthiz, we confront the unpredictable storms of life and the fires of need, both of which forge resilience and awaken our will to adapt.
- Hagalaz (Hail): Hagalaz represents the chaos of disruption, linked to the goddess Gullveig, whose greed introduced corruption to the Aesir and disrupted the harmony of the Golden Age. This rune echoes her destruction and rebirth, as Gullveig was burned three times and rose again, embodying resilience within chaos. It also connects to Urd, the Norn of the past, and the inevitability of transformation driven by history.
- Nauthiz (Need): This rune represents necessity, tied to Skuld, the Norn of the future. Nauthiz reminds us that constraints—whether imposed by fate or circumstance—ignite inner strength and innovation. It represents the flames of need, much like the trials faced by the gods to maintain cosmic balance.

Together, these runes reflect the interplay between external chaos and the internal resilience required to navigate it. They remind us that challenges refine us, creating growth through disruption. For this pair, ask yourself "What chaos in your life has revealed hidden strengths? How has necessity driven your growth?"
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Stillness and Cycles: Isa and Jera
Following the turbulence of Hagalaz and Nauthiz, Isa and Jera bring a moment of reflection and balance, offering a reminder that growth requires both the patience of winter and the reward of the harvest.
- Isa (Ice): Isa captures the stillness and potential of frozen time, representing Verdandi, the Norn of the present, who weaves the threads of existence into the Web of Wyrd. Isa is the quiet pause before action, the stasis that allows reflection.
- Jera (Year): Jera represents the cycles of time and reward, the turning of the cosmic wheel. It echoes the completion of a cycle, as when Odin’s sacrifices on Yggdrasil culminated in the wisdom of the runes. Jera is the harvest of patience and perseverance, signaling the fruition of long-term efforts.

Isa and Jera balance stillness and movement, teaching us to trust in the natural rhythms of life. Isa shows the value of introspection, while Jera reminds us of the rewards that come from aligning with the cycles of time. Ask yourself, "Where can you pause and trust the rhythm of life? How have cycles of effort brought rewards?"
Endurance and Mystery: Eihwaz and Perthro
Isa and Jera guided us through the pause of introspection and the rewards of patience, and now Eihwaz and Perthro take us further. They illuminate the need for resilience in times of trial and the wisdom in trusting the mysteries of fate, reminding us that some paths unfold only through sacrifice and courage.
- Eihwaz (Yew Tree): Eihwaz symbolizes the enduring strength of the yew tree and the resilience to face transformation. It reflects Odin’s sacrifice, as he hung from Yggdrasil for nine days and nights to gain the wisdom of the runes. The yew, a tree associated with both death and immortality, mirrors the bridge between the physical and spiritual realms.
- Perthro (Mystery): Perthro is the rune of fate and hidden knowledge, representing Odin’s sacrifice of an eye at Mimir’s Well in exchange for a drink of wisdom. This rune also connects to the mysteries of the Norns and the Well of Urd, symbolizing the unknowable aspects of time and destiny.

Eihwaz and Perthro together highlight the balance between endurance and surrender. Eihwaz offers strength to endure trials, while Perthro calls for trust in the unseen and acceptance of life’s mysteries. Ask yourself, "What sacrifices have deepened your wisdom? How can you trust the mysteries of fate?"
Protection and Illumination: Algiz and Sowilo
As Eihwaz taught us strength through trials and Perthro revealed the mysteries of fate, Algiz and Sowilo provide the tools to navigate the journey ahead. Algiz shields us with divine protection, while Sowilo lights the way with the clarity and victory earned through wisdom and endurance.
- Algiz (Elk): Algiz represents divine protection and connection to higher realms. It is tied to the Valkyries, born of Odin’s union with Heid, a form of Freyja. These shieldmaidens guided the souls of the heroic dead to Valhalla, symbolizing protection and spiritual guidance.
- Sowilo (Sun): Sowilo represents the sun’s illumination and victory, symbolizing Odin’s realization of cosmic wisdom after his journey through sacrifice and descent. It is the triumphant light that follows the trials of darkness, guiding us toward clarity and success.

Algiz and Sowilo reflect the divine support and illumination that guide us through the transformational journey. Algiz offers protection in times of uncertainty, while Sowilo celebrates the clarity and triumph that follow.
The Three Norns and the Web of Wyrd
Central to the mythology of the Second Aett are the Three Norns—Urd (the past), Verdandi (the present), and Skuld (the future)—who weave the Web of Wyrd. This web represents the interconnectedness of existence, threading birth, life, death, and rebirth into an endless cycle. Their roles are embedded in many of the runes:
- Urd is tied to Hagalaz, representing the forces of past events and chaos that shape the present.
- Verdandi weaves the present pattern, embodied in Isa, where stillness and reflection shape the moment.
- Skuld untangles the threads, returning them to the void, her energy resonating with Nauthiz as the necessity that propels the future.
Through these divine weavers, the Second Aett teaches us to understand the interwoven nature of time and to embrace the challenges and gifts that emerge from this web. Reflect on this: "What forces are protecting you as you navigate transformation? How is clarity emerging from your struggles?"
The Transformational Dance of the Second Aett
The Second Aett of the Elder Futhark embodies the energies of change, endurance, and renewal. Through its mythology and runes, it teaches us to navigate the cycles of life with courage and trust. By understanding the dynamic interplay between chaos and order, stillness and progress, we find strength in transformation and the light of wisdom on the other side.