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August Labyrinthos Academy Updates

Hey there everyone! This will be the first of some updates that will now be going out every month about the progress of this and other related activities, like Golden Thread Tarot. Be sure to sign up at our newsletter if you'd like to stay in the loop.

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Labyrinthos Academy Crest: Learn Tarot with a Modern Twist Labyrinthos: A Tarot School for Witches and Wizards

Sign Up for Free Tarot Classes

Labyrinthos is an online tarot school that brings the ancient ritual of tarot to modern practice. When you sign up for our newsletter, you’ll receive a free 3-part tarot guide straight to your inbox to help you get started:

✨ Keywords for every card
✨ Suit Correspondences
✨ Numerology Basics

Start your journey and explore even more learning tools in the Labyrinthos app. 🌟

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