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August Labyrinthos Academy Updates

By Tina Gong


Hey there everyone! This will be the first of some updates that will now be going out every month about the progress of this and other related activities, like Golden Thread Tarot. Be sure to sign up at our newsletter if you'd like to stay in the loop.

So, I started this off at the newsletter, but on a personal note, this month I transitioned from my full-time Senior Designer role at Bustle into a part-time role, so I can be able to dedicate more time and effort to this project, which it so rightly deserves. It's been a whirlwind of emotions - excitement, liberation, and also fear.

But anyway, enough of the rambling.

Labyrinthos Academy Tarot School App Updates

Labyrinthos Academy Development Started

This month, I've completed the conceptual designs for the app, as well as started coding the app with Ionic Framework. Surprisingly, the front-end is...almost done? Except for some stubborn bugs, we might be able to get at least a quick test of the app out, at least to figure out whether there are any user experience issues. One clarification though, is that the trickiest part of the app will take a while to actually build out - one of the biggest annoyances that I've had to deal with regarding the Golden Thread Tarot app is the lack of persistent storage. We're working this time to build a back-end storage system for the data. In non-nerd terms, this means you won't lose your data even if iOS decides to wipe your phone's temporary files! Oh dear. Hopefully this works out, and I can also refactor the Golden Thread Tarot with the same solution soon.

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Golden Thread Tarot Deck Updates

I'm also working on some more things to be included with the Tarot Kit I'm producing for Golden Thread Tarot. You guys have already seen the tarot cloth I've created, which is a modular system for on-the-go tarot spreads, but for a while I've been putting off progress on the entire kit. Some small additions will come with the kit, which we're going to be theming as "Exploring your Inner Universe", which seems to go well with the black and gold. The remainder of the things are in production now, thanks to the help of all of you wonderful followers on our Instagram! Thank you for all your feedback about the materials!

There's also going to be an exciting announcement coming for the tarot deck soon, but I want to confirm everything before going forward with it. 


Paco the Alpaca's Monthly Guidance

Paco is our resident hacker extraordinaire, responsible for the entire codebase at Labyrinthos. He definitely does more work than I do. He's also just starting to dive into tarot, and is building his confidence by providing monthly readings, to go along with these updates. In case you missed it on our social channels, here's your update for August.

Wow! Thanks Paco!

Honesty and a strong plan is the only secret to success.

Other Labyrinthos Academy Updates

Luminous Spirit Tarot Deck - 7 of wands


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