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3 Tips for Asking Lenormand Questions

Just as with tarot reading, one very overlooked part of getting great answers out of the lenormand is asking the right question. Lenormand cards are a system with their own unique strengths and weaknesses, meaning that the kinds of answers that they give are suited better to answering certain questions....

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How to Choose the Right Tarot Deck for You

With hundreds of tarot decks out there, it can be rather overwhelming to choose one that truly fits with you or your reading style. Although each tarot deck has a similar source, they are all so different in their style, symbolism and general feeling their readings evoke.

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Labyrinthos Academy Tarot App Free Update

Hello friends! ✨ It’s been a long long time since I posted anything here about any app updates. If you’ve been following along closely on Instagram, you may have noticed a few stories we posted earlier about some changes to the main Labyrinthos App that I’ve been slowly working on....

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Labyrinthos Academy Crest: Learn Tarot with a Modern Twist Labyrinthos: A Tarot School for Witches and Wizards

Sign Up for Free Tarot Classes

Labyrinthos is an online tarot school that brings the ancient ritual of tarot to modern practice. When you sign up for our newsletter, you’ll receive a free 3-part tarot guide straight to your inbox to help you get started:

✨ Keywords for every card
✨ Suit Correspondences
✨ Numerology Basics

Start your journey and explore even more learning tools in the Labyrinthos app. 🌟

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