Just as with tarot reading, one very overlooked part of getting great answers out of the lenormand is asking the right question. Lenormand cards are a system with their own unique strengths and weaknesses, meaning that the kinds of answers that they give are suited better to answering certain questions....
A 10 Card Tarot Spread for Self Growth and Personal Development
One of tarot’s biggest strengths is giving you a mirror to reflect on your life and introspect. Life is progressing at an ever faster rate, and sometimes we can find it hard to give ourselves the time and the space to pause and evaluate the path that we are taking.
Repeating Tarot Cards and How to Interpret Them - A Tarot Spread
One of the more curious things you may have encountered on your journey with the tarot is the phenomena of the same card appearing in your readings multiple times.
How to Answer Yes / No Questions with Tarot: 4 Yes or No Tarot Spreads
If you’ve read one of our last posts about asking the right kind of questions for your tarot readings, you’ll know that one of the things we actually don’t recommend is asking yes or no questions.
How to Choose the Right Tarot Deck for You
With hundreds of tarot decks out there, it can be rather overwhelming to choose one that truly fits with you or your reading style. Although each tarot deck has a similar source, they are all so different in their style, symbolism and general feeling their readings evoke.
Labyrinthos Academy Tarot App Free Update
Hello friends! ✨ It’s been a long long time since I posted anything here about any app updates. If you’ve been following along closely on Instagram, you may have noticed a few stories we posted earlier about some changes to the main Labyrinthos App that I’ve been slowly working on....
Uncover What Your Unconscious Is Trying To Say - 2 Tarot spreads for Dream Interpretation
Dreams, whether bizarre or mundane, often represent things that our subconscious minds our trying to tell us.
A New Years Tarot Spread - Lessons from the Past and Looking Ahead
As the year is coming to an end, we can start reflecting on the past years learnings and look forward to what the next year can bring us.
More Lenormand Reading Techniques for the Grand Tableau - Knighting
One technique that we did not cover in the last installment of “How to Read the Grand Tableau” is something called knighting. If you’re already familiar with chess, this additional set of reading will be familiar and easy to understand for you. Though we are covering this technique as part...
Jungian Archetypes Tarot Spread - A 5 Card Tarot Spread
Carl Jung himself, who classified the human psyche as having three parts: the ego, the personal unconscious, and the collective unconscious, described archetypes as being highly developed elements of something known as the collective unconscious.
When a Tarot Reading Makes No Sense - How to Interpret a Confusing Tarot Reading
We’ve probably all been there. We’re in the middle of a reading and the topic, question and intention has already been set or asked. We’re pretty clear about what the goals of the tarot reading are, spoken or unspoken. We understand the context of the situation that is being asked...
A 6 Card Tarot Spread for Self Love
Self love and acceptance is one of the most important, foundational aspects of having a healthy psyche, and yet, it’s one of the most difficult abilities to master.
Lenormand Houses: How to Read the Grand Tableau, an Alternate or Additional Method
The Grand Tableau is a 36 card spread that utilizes each and every one of the cards of the Lenormand deck. One of the methods that I briefly mentioned in an earlier post about reading the Grand Tableau was related to something called Lenormand Houses. This topic was fairly large,...
Making Tough Choices - A 5 Card Tarot Spread for Decision Making
There are points in our lives, where like the two of swords, we must make a difficult choice in order to move forward at all. And while many people believe that tarot cards are used exclusively for fortune telling, they can also become an helpful part of how we can...