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A New Years Tarot Spread - Lessons from the Past and Looking Ahead

By Tina Gong


As the year is coming to an end, we can start reflecting on the past years learnings and look forward to what the next year can bring us. Even though the holidays mean that it’s a busy season, it’s the perfect time to take a moment, pause, refresh yourself with the lessons you’ve learned, and set intentions for the next year. The following spread is designed to help you do just that.

There are other spreads that are perfectly suited to this time of the year as well. Two of them happen to be built right into our tarot cloths. You can read more about how we use designed it and how to use it here.

Working with the New Years Tarot Spread

You can’t know where you’re going if you don’t know where you’ve been. This spread is meant to give a short summary of the past year and help you make the transition from that year’s lessons to focusing on this year’s challenges.

We hope that whatever the next year brings, that it is full of magic, beauty and wonder. Sending you love from this little tarot company! Happy new year!

The New Years Tarot Spread Positions

  1. Last year’s major lesson - What was the biggest thing I had to learn?
  2. Last year’s biggest achievement - What did I do really well? What is something I should be very proud of?
  3. What you let go of last year - What habits, thoughts, assumptions were left behind?
  4. What to expect this year - What should I know about this coming year? What should I prepare for?
  5. This year’s biggest challenge - What will be the biggest obstacle I will have to face this coming year? What must I overcome?
  6. This year’s theme - What will this year’s focus be on?
  7. Advice for this year - What should I take heed of for this year’s challenges? How should I handle them?
  8. Transition - How will this transition be like? How will I handle it? Will it be smooth or a struggle?

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The New Years Tarot Spread Diagram

The New Years Tarot Spread Diagram

Labyrinthos Academy Crest: Tarot for Health, Wellness and Psychological Balance


  • We Love Horoscope
    We always start reflecting on the past years learning and look forward to what the next year can bring us. Thanks for sharing.
  • anna bianca
    lovely websitex

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Labyrinthos Academy Crest: Tarot for Health, Wellness and Psychological Balance

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