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A Practical Business Tarot Spread to Help You Strategize

By Tina Gong


Last time, we wrote a little bit about using the tarot to develop the emotional foundations for your own business, or starting on your own personal projects. There, we covered two tarot spreads to develop the basic concept of what you could do as well as connect them personally to the bigger picture of your life and your calling.

Not many people think to use tarot card reading as a way of building better business strategies, but just like the cards do in all other aspects of your life, they can make seeing through the confusion and complexities of our modern work lives so much easier.

How to Use Business Tarot Spreads

Here, we're going to go through some of the more nitty gritty stuff; this post is all about the practical needs that your business or project has to fulfill in order to get off the ground and become what you've envisioned. You can also use these techniques as a "reset" of sorts - I know personally that when you're doing everything from designing to coding, to customer service, social media and marketing, it can sometimes be hard to see the bigger picture! These are some ways to remind yourself of that, and get out of the almost mechanical mentality of checking off things from your to-do list.

The following are some ways a business tarot reading can help you develop a strategy that works for you. As usual, at the end of this article, we've also built a spread for you to try out (or to modify) for this particular goal.

Clarify Direction and Focus with a Business Tarot Spread

The first thing you need to do is to decide what your ultimate goal actually is. Is your strategy simply to make more profits for your company? Or would you rather build better relationships with other companies that may help you further down the road? The choice is yours. A business tarot spread can help you weigh the pros and cons of each decision. It could be that waiting for a better opportunity down the line is what's best for you in the end. All you need to do is ask the cards which direction you should go in, and where you can best invest your efforts.

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Identify Key Players with a Business Tarot Spread

Do you have an investor, a partner, or a company in mind that you want to bring into your plan? Or do you simply just want to know more about what your clients or customers need from you? Or would you like some more clarification about who your competitors are? Or even who has the potential to play a role that you haven't even thought of yet? In working with tarot, you can identify any of these things with a simple question.

Understanding Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Business Tarot Spread

    You can also direct your questions inward towards yourself or your business partners. For an effective business plan, it is always important to know which of your personal strengths - or the strengths of the company or business - will be most useful in making your plan work out. There could be talents that you need to utilize and expand on, and maybe even some traits that are better to keep under the radar for the moment. A tarot reading to help you reflect will let you see what your plan needs more of - and when less is more.

    Get Weekly Predictions with a Business Tarot Spread

      A helpful tip to using the tarot cards to the best of your ability, is to start off your week (or even day) with a forecast. While I do this daily for myself, it might be helpful to do a separate one for your business or project weekly (or with whatever timescale makes sense for you). This can identify any problems or opportunities coming your way, but it can also set you up with a clearer and stronger vision of the path ahead of you. You can rest with less anxiety wondering what the week will bring, when the answer is right in your tarot deck.

      A Business Strategy Tarot Spread

      A business strategy tarot spread - business tarot spread, career tarot spread

      If you're feeling a little less creative, we  made a business tarot spread just for this occasion, trying to answer much of the areas we discussed earlier. Feel free to use this as a starting point for creating your own spread and tarot reading. 

      1. Current situation - A status check of your business or project. How are things looking?
      2. Current challenges - What obstacles are presenting themselves now? What do you need to deal with? 
      3. Where to find help - Who or what can give you the most support? 
      4. Long term gains - What can this business or project provide you in the long term? What should I do to establish a solid foundation for this business? 
      5. Short term gains - What can this business or project provide you in the short term? What are some easy wins and low hanging fruit?
      6. Strengths - What do you (or your company as a whole) do best? 
      7. Weaknesses - What weaknesses do you (or your company as a whole) have? 
      8. What to focus on now - What should I be working on right now? 
      9. What to focus on in future - What should I be working on next? In the next 6-12 months?
      10. Opportunities - What is missing from the world that I can provide? What paths are opening up for me right now? 

      Labyrinthos Academy Crest: Tarot for Health, Wellness and Psychological Balance

      1 comment

      • Raven
        Thank you so much for this spread! My practice has been growing and I’m trying to figure out where I’m going next. I’m hoping to move into a bigger space soon and market myself in a more coherent way. This spread has helped give me some clarity.

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      Labyrinthos Academy Crest: Tarot for Health, Wellness and Psychological Balance

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