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Love Tarot Spreads for Valentine's Day: Healing Hearts and Love Chakras Romance Tarot Readings

By Tina Gong


Love can be a rollercoaster of emotions. It leaves us breathless, excited, intrigued and also...filled with countless questions. This Valentine's day, whether partnered or not, we created these love tarot spreads to offer guidance and clarity when it comes to matters of the heart.

Using Love Tarot Spreads: The Role of Self-Knowledge

Regardless of your goals this season, whether you're navigating the complexities of a current relationship, seeking reconciliation with a former lover, or yearning to attract new love into your life, self-reflection plays a crucial role. Love and romantic relationships are often created amidst the complex interplays between our desires, emotional needs, prior experiences and past wounds -- and those of our partner's.

The following spreads will be flexible enough to be used by everyone, and are meant to help you dig a little deeper, acknowledge past wounds, and cultivate self-love. It is through this process, where we can not only enhance our capacity to love ourselves but also to extend that love to others authentically.

So let's get to it! May the cards guide you toward the love and fulfillment you deserve.


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Chakras Love Tarot Spread

In this spread, we're using the chakra system, an ancient eastern philosophical concept, as the framework for understanding our relationship to love; how we receive and give love, how you express it, how you see it. Each chakra corresponds to different aspects of our being, from our sense of security and stability to our ability to express love and connect with others.

You can either use this in the context of an existing relationship, a potential relationship, or simply for how you yourself see love. It's pretty simple to modify the spread depending on these contexts, but we'll provide the different questions for you below.

Draw these cards from bottom to top, following the root chakra to the crown chakra. In this diagram, I shifted things around since I didn't have infinite space!

Chakras Love Tarot Spread

    For Your General Understanding of Love

    1. Root: Represents your sense of security and stability in love.
    2. Sacral: Reflects your emotional needs and desires in relationships.
    3. Solar Plexus: Indicates your self-esteem and personal power in love.
    4. Heart: Represents your ability to give and receive love unconditionally.
    5. Throat: Reflects your communication style and expression of love.
    6. Third Eye: Indicates your intuition and clarity in matters of the heart.
    7. Crown: Represents spiritual connection and higher purpose in relationships.

    For an Existing Relationship or Potential Relationship

    1. Root: Represents your sense of security and stability in this relationship.
    2. Sacral: Reflects your emotional needs and desires in this relationship.
    3. Solar Plexus: Indicates your self-esteem and personal power in this relationship.
    4. Heart: Represents your ability to give and receive love unconditionally.
    5. Throat: Reflects your communication style and expression of love.
    6. Third Eye: Indicates your intuition and clarity when seeing or evaluating your relationship.
    7. Crown: Represents the spiritual connection and higher purpose that exists between you.

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    Healing Hearts Love Tarot Spread

    For those of us who find this season a little difficult, this spread is here to help you investigate and analyze what blocks you.

    This spread offers a compassionate exploration of past romantic experiences to shed light on the lessons learned and possible pathways to healing. Tarot readings using this spread will provide gentle guidance and introspection to help you discover the keys needed to release old patterns, forgive, nurture self-love and find more fulfilling relationships.

    As with the previous spread, the Healing Hearts love spread can be used whether you're single or paired up. You can either ask about your general approach to romance, or you can ask in the context of your existing or potential relationship. We've provided 2 versions of the questions for this spread below.

    Healing Hearts Love Tarot Spread: Trauma, love, wounds, and healing.

    For Your General Understanding of Love

    1. Past: What was my past romantic landscape? What was my approach to love?
    2. The Wound: What past traumas or wounds are impacting my ability to love?
    3. Present: What is my current romantic landscape?
    4. The Symptom: How are my traumas manifesting today? What is a challenge I am facing now?
    5. Healing: What does healing and emotional growth look like for me?
    6. Guidance: How can I release old patterns and foster more love in my life?

    For an Existing Relationship or Potential Relationship

    1. Past: Who was I romantically when I entered this relationship? What was my approach to love?
    2. The Wound: What past traumas or wounds are impacting this relationship?
    3. Present: What is the state of my current relationship?
    4. The Symptom: How are my traumas manifesting today? How is my relationship suffering?
    5. Healing: What does healing and emotional growth look like in this relationship?
    6. Guidance: How can I release old patterns and nuture this relationship?

    Bonus: 3 Card Tarot Spreads for Love

    And because we know that your questions will not likely end here, we included these quick and easy 3 card spreads to provide even more clarity and answers. Simply draw these spreads in a line. A few of these

    You / Your lover / The two of you together

    When two become one, the relationship itself can often feel like a completely separate entity. There are just about a hundred ways to interpret this 3 card spread. It's a great way to analyze the two of you as individuals and the new thing that you create together. A few examples of this include:

    1. How people would describe you together
    2. The dynamic that exists between you
    3. What you each bring to the relationship, and its potential
    4. What you each desire in a relationship, and how it's going

    Brings you closer / Pulls you apart / Guidance

    This one is particularly helpful folks in an existing relationship, and geared more towards figuring out how this relationship can better flourish.

    Perception / Attraction / Advice

    For those who are single and looking for love, this spread gives some more clarity about the kind of love that we attract into our life.

    1. Perception: How do potential lovers see me? How am I perceived?
    2. Attraction: What kind of love do I attract?
    3. Advice: How can I attract the love I want?

    Infographic: Healing Hearts Love Tarot Spread

     Infographic: Healing Hearts Love Tarot Spread

    Infographic: Chakras Love Tarot Spread

    Infographic: Chakras Love Tarot Spread

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