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The Fool Tarot Card Spread - A Tarot Spread for New Beginnings
Summary of the Fool Tarot Card Meaning
The Fool is the first card of the tarot, and represents all of us as we make our first steps into the unknown. They are innocent, naive, and sometimes foolish. Without an understanding of consequences, it can be easy for them to make missteps. But their inexperience also helps them be fearless and brave, encouraging them to take the journey despite its dangers. Lack of knowledge here can be a benefit as well as a curse. But the first steps are made, and the challenge of navigating their journey begins.
Light: Innocence, new beginnings, fresh start, optimism, adventure
Shadow: Carelessness, recklessness, inexperience, danger
To learn more, read the full Fool tarot card meaning.
When To Use This Tarot Spread:
- When you’re starting a new stage of your life; whether its moving, a new relationship, a new career, etc.
- When you’re feeling stuck, and are searching for new challenges.
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The Fool Tarot Card Spread

- Adventure - What new adventures await you? What new challenges are on your horizon? What aspects of your life are calling out for you to explore?
- Position - Where are you? What is the state of your life’s journey right now? What is the environment and context in which you are operating?
- A Risk - What risk are you taking? What are you putting on the line? What do you have to lose?
- Foundations - What is something that you have always relied on in your life? What are you leaving behind on this adventure?
- A Warning - Where are you vulnerable? Where do you need to be alert? What possible mistakes could you make as you set forth on your new journey?
- A Helping Hand - Who or what should you trust? What resources or knowledge do you have at your disposal?
A Note on the Fool's Journey Tarot Spreads: This is part of a series of tarot spreads inspired by the lessons of the Fool’s Journey, represented by the major arcana of the tarot. Since each major arcana card embodies a stage in one’s life journey, a lesson, or an archetype, we can use them as the foundations to explore moments of our own personal journeys. They also happen to be great ways to explore the meanings of each of these tarot cards in a very personal way.
For more of these spreads, please head here.
And if you'd like to purchase the deck depicted in these spreads, you can click here to purchase it! You can also purchase its Marseille cousin.