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The Hierophant Tarot Card Spread - A Tarot Spread for Reconnecting with the Sacred
Summary of the Hierophant Tarot Card Meaning
After the Fool meets the earthly family through the Empress and the Emperor, they are now introduced to greater society. The Hierophant represents social traditions, an understanding of how the world should be based on divine order. He represents the knowledge of how things have been done, and why they have always been done this way. It is the way of learned experience and sacred wisdom. Through the Hierophant, we learn to find either a sense of belonging, a home and origin amongst the vast loneliness of the planet, or we learn to feel excluded and isolated from our roots.
Light: Tradition, ideology, custom, ritual, history, belonging
Shadow: Conventionality, dogma, close-mindedness, exclusion
To learn more, read the full Hierophant tarot card meaning.
When to Use This Tarot Spread
- When you’re feeling isolated, lonely, or disconnected from yourself and others.
- When you feel a lack of purpose, meaning.
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The Hierophant Tarot Card Spread
- The Message - What divine messages are emerging? What are you being called to?
- Querent - What is your current state? In what ways is the divine message being communicated through you? How is it molded and shaped?
- Earthly Action - What practical action can you do to take this message and put it into action in your daily life?
- Belonging - How do I find people that support me? Who is my foundation? Who gives me a feeling of belonging, of connectedness to the greater whole?
- Guidance - Where can I find advice and further guidance, mentorship, education?
A Note on the Fool's Journey Tarot Spreads: This is part of a series of tarot spreads inspired by the lessons of the Fool’s Journey, represented by the major arcana of the tarot. Since each major arcana card embodies a stage in one’s life journey, a lesson, or an archetype, we can use them as the foundations to explore moments of our own personal journeys. They also happen to be great ways to explore the meanings of each of these tarot cards in a very personal way.
For more of these spreads, please head here.
And if you'd like to purchase the deck depicted in these spreads, you can click here to purchase it! You can also purchase its Marseille cousin.