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The Hanged Man Meaning - Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings
Hanged Man Keywords
Upright Keywords | Reversed Keywords |
sacrifice, waiting, uncertainty, lack of direction, perspective, contemplation | stalling, disinterest, stagnation, avoiding sacrifice, standstill, apathy |
Skip to Upright Meaning | Skip to Reversed Meaning |

The Hanged Man Tarot Card Description
In this card, it depicts a man who is suspended upside-down, and he is hanging by his foot from the living world tree. This tree is rooted deep down in the underworld, and it is known to support the heavens. It is believed that the hanging man is actually positioned there by his own free will. We believe this because of the serene expression which is on his face. His right foot is bound to the branches, but his left foot remains perfectly free. At the same time, he is holding his hands behind his back in a way which forms an inverted triangle. His wearing of red pants are a representation of the physical body and human’s passion, while the blue that he wears in his shirt are representative of calm emotions, a color combination that is commonly seen in saints. His intellect is symbolized by the yellow color of his shoes, hair and halo.
Upright Hanged Man Meaning
The hanged man understands that his position is a sacrifice that he needed to make in order to progress forward - whether as repentance for past wrongdoings, or a calculated step backward to recalculate his path onward. This time he spends here will not be wasted, he does this as part of his progression forward. His upside down state can also symbolize the feeling of those that walk a spiritual path, for they see the world differently. Where there are others that do not understand the need to sacrifice, you see it differently. This is a natural course of action for you as you walk the path alone.
The Hanged Man card reflects a particular need to suspend certain action. As a result, this might indicate a certain period of indecision. This means that certain actions or decisions which need to be properly implemented are likely to be postponed even if there is an urgency to act at this particular moment. In fact, it would be ultimately the best if you are capable of stalling certain actions in order to ensure that you have more time to reflect on making critical decisions, this will ultimately be the best.
The Hanged Man card reflects a particular need to suspend certain action. As a result, this might indicate a certain period of indecision.
This is a card which is mainly designated towards waiting and suspension. This suggests that this might be the thing that you need to do in order to achieve success or to wait for the proper opportunity. Keep in mind that taking action is not always the best solution and in certain cases refraining from doing so might bring you just as much, if not more benefits.
Upright Love Meaning | Upright Career Meaning | Upright Finances Meaning |
love can’t be rushed, avoid romantic pressure, sacrifice for love | uncertainty about career, waiting, forced break, thinking of next steps | change in perspective about finances |
Upright Hanged Man Tarot Love Meaning
In general, the Hanged Man is about sacrifice, new perspectives and waiting for the right time. For singles, the upright Hanged Man tarot love meaning indicates that things cannot be rushed. Regardless of how much you throw yourself into your romantic pursuits, or message your date all the right things, it may not be up to you if the other party isn’t ready. Instead of trying to force or pressure a relationship to come into fruition, use this time to see how your perspective changes when you’re alone. This same thing applies within relationships as well. Timing may be an issue when it comes to having important discussions, or taking your relationship to the next level.
Alternatively, the concept of sacrifice may play an important role in your relationships, or potential relationships now. Help may be needed, and these can be moments in which your commitment is tested, but can also bring the two of you closer together.
Career Meaning - Upright Hanged Man
When it comes to work, the Hanged Man can signal a feeling of waiting or uncertainty about what you should be doing. Your projects may be on pause, forcing you to take a break, or you may be waiting and contemplating what your next move is. There is a lesson to this card, which is that sometimes, no matter what, you cannot force a decision, or changes to occur when things are not at the right time. At times, you need to just wait, and the things that you were pushing for so hard, whether it’s a response from a business partner or colleague, or a decision from a client, or a decision on what to change in your career, will come in time. Relax, and just be. Alternatively, you may be in the process of making a big change in your career. What looks like taking a step backward may be a calculated process to realign your path with something that is more fulfilling to you.
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Finances Meaning - Upright Hanged Man
The Hanged Man can signal that a change in perspective is needed. If there has been some stress about money matters, you may find that at the moment a pause can actually bring you a new way of looking at things. Can you turn a bad situation into an opportunity? Do things only seem worse than they really are?
Reversed Hanged Man Meaning
The reversal meaning of the Hanged Man card represents a very specific period of time during which you feel as if you are sacrificing a significant amount of time while getting nothing in return. You might have felt as if certain things are at a state of an absolute standstill without any particular resolution or movement. It’s as if you are putting your entire effort and attention into something but nothing turns out as it should.
Reversed Love Meaning | Reversed Career Meaning | Reversed Finances Meaning |
new perspectives on love, changes in romantic life | new career move not working, procrastination, stalling for time | indecision, failed investment, wasted financial sacrifice |
Reversed Hanged Man Tarot Love Meaning
Now is the time for action. The reversed Hanged Man tarot love meaning suggests that the period of waiting is over. There may have been a slowdown in your love life recently, forcing you to take the time to consider different perspectives on romance and love. Ideally, you have re-emerged with a clearer understanding of what it is you expect from relationships. This may be a time when old, long held beliefs are being shed. With this new perspective, you are now equipped to take action or make changes in your romantic life with renewed energy. This card also can caution against making needless sacrifices for love. Make sure that your needs and your partner’s are balanced.
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Career Meaning - Reversed Hanged Man
When the Hanged Man is reversed, you may feel that the sacrifices you’ve been making in your career haven’t really been yielding results. If you’ve recently changed career paths, or have taken time off to go through retraining, or used your family time for work projects, things may not be going as planned. It may not feel as if making these changes have been worth it. At times, this card can also indicate stalling for time. Instead of waiting for the right moment, you may be at such a loss about what to do next that you’ve been procrastinating on making a decision that will propel you to your next steps, leading to a feeling of powerlessness or stagnancy. Don’t languish too long, learn to be an active participant in your life.
Finances Meaning - Reversed Hanged Man
If you’ve been contemplating a major purchase or investment of your resources lately, your indecision and hesitancy may mean that you never take the next step. Sometimes, this card can also indicate that your investments are not yielding any returns; this doesn’t have to be in traditional banking institutions. Perhaps you lent money for a family member’s education, only to have them drop out. Perhaps you’ve put some of your finances into a side-hustle, only for it to be a failure. There is a sense of wasted sacrifice with this card; let these be a lesson for how to approach these situations in the future.