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A Full Moon Tarot Spread to Add to Your Full Moon Ritual

By Tina Gong


A while back, I wrote a post about working with moon phases - including a short infographic on the symbolism of each phase, and what we can do during those phases in order to honor the natural cycles of nature and follow it’s flow. It’s a powerful feeling, one that reminds you that there is an order to things that are beyond our individual human selves, and that to humble yourself to this flow is also to find your own center.

To the modern world, this may seem like something quite “out there”, but I would argue that more than ever, understanding these cycles are helpful in reminding ourselves that all things have rhythms, and we must respect both the light and dark periods of our lives. Like most rituals, or spells, I consider these helpful not in really changing things external to us, but about changing our perception of ourselves, so we can live and act with intention and awareness. Consider them a little mental health break.

Like most rituals, or spells, I consider these helpful not in really changing things external to us, but about changing our perception of ourselves, so we can live and act with intention and awareness.

PS: Being a tech nerd, I built an app that includes all moon phase readings! It’s called the Luminous Spirit Tarot, and you can get it at that link. You can also use it with the deck I’ve designed in box above.

The Full Moon Is a Period of Celebration, Closure, Release or Harvesting

In general, we can use the full moon as a period of emergence and inner transformation. You can think of this as releasing the past, and and stepping forward into a new frame of mind, behavior or identity. It is about celebrating this new self that is coming from within you, one that no longer has the same limitations that you had earlier.

Let’s take a look at how we can incorporate a simple tarot reading into your full moon ritual, with these set of circumstances in mind.

Full Moon Tarot Spread

I built this full moon tarot reading as part of a series of spreads for each moon cycle. For the full moon, I want you to think about yourself in a positive light. To really appreciate the parts of you that you that others do, and give you a window into your best potential self. Again, this self understanding is the basis of all magical practice - we seek to change ourselves, and our perception of the self, in order to live with intention.

  1. Self Perception: How do you perceive yourself? What is your relationship with your self?
  2. Best Qualities: What are your most admirable qualities? What about yourself can you learn to recognize and love more?
  3. Your Gift to Others: What is the best thing that you can offer to the world around you? Where and how are your talents best put to use?
  4. What Fulfills You: What brings you the most joy?
  5. Unrecognized Potential: What part of yourself has great potential but have you not recognized yet?

A full moon tarot spread to add to your full moon ritual!

Get the spreads for each moon phase with our Luminous Spirit Tarot app!

A Few More Ideas for Your Full Moon Ritual

Finally, if you’re just getting started in adding these full moon rituals into your own practice, we have a few more ideas on what else you can do during this period. You might not feel like you need anything else, you might want to do all of them - it’s all up to you and how you are feeling!

Magic works on the magician on a subconscious level, you may not understand it, but the very act of performing a ritual itself creates inner change in you.

Remember again, that these full moon rituals are psychological methods of helping you align with your intentions. Magic works on the magician on a subconscious level, you may not understand it, but the very act of performing a ritual itself creates inner change in you.

The very act of performing a ritual itself creates inner change in you. Try this using a full moon ritual!


This ritual is used to clear energy, is especially powerful when we need to release and let go of our negative feelings. You’ll need either a sage smudging wand, or some palo santo wood. Burn the wand over a fire-proof dish while allowing it to waft around your space and body. It helps to do this while thinking of your intention.

Infusing Your Tools

After cleansing, another common thing to do is to allow your sacred tools (like your tarot cards, your crystals, incense, etc) to be charged under the moonlight. It might sound silly, but in the morning, I like to thank them as I’m rearranging them on my shelves.

What Do the Stars Bring You?

Get your personal free moon cycle tarot reading with our app, plus a black and white list of zodiac sign characteristics formatted for printers. Includes keywords, planetary rulers, symbols, elements and modalities.


During our usual everyday lives, we don’t necessarily have time to process our emotions. Doing this during a full moon is a perfect time to reflect and think about what works and what doesn’t in our ways of thinking. Tends to work really well with the tarot spread!

So, with all that in mind, what parts of yourself are you all personally looking to release? What parts of yourself are you celebrating? If you’re not ready to work on any of these rituals, give yourself a moment to think on this!

Labyrinthos Academy Crest: Tarot for Health, Wellness and Psychological Balance


  • Audrie N.
    I just received my first set of tarot cards last night and on a full moon!! I’m so excited and this article has helped me. Thank you!
  • Tina
    Hi Therese! Yes we do! For moon phases you can checkout :)
  • Therese
    I hope you have an app! Xo
  • Stephanie Lord
    I really enjoyed this article thank you for sharng

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