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Three of Wands Meaning - Tarot Card Meanings
3 of Wands Keywords
Upright Keywords | Reversed Keywords |
momentum, confidence, expansion, growth, foresight, looking ahead | restriction, limitations, lack of progress, obstacles, delays, frustration |
Skip to Upright Meaning | Skip to Reversed Meaning |

The Three of Wands Tarot Card Description
The Three of Wands depicts a man who is standing on the edge of a cliff, looking over the ocean and the mountains. From the cliff edge, he sees everything that is ahead of him. The Wands are planted into the ground and surround the man as he grasps one in his hand. He seems to look forward and reflect on both the commitment that he has for his plans, as well as the method of execution in order to bring them to reality.
Upright Three of Wands Meaning
The meaning of the Three of Wands hints that you are planning or going to plan for the future with more conviction. This could mean that everything around your plans is going smoothly, as you have taken the time to plan your future, and are taking steps to turn plans into action. It hints that you are perhaps creating a stable foundation for yourself.
The symbolism within the Three of Wands is that opportunities that can take place to widen your horizons in many areas. It also is a warning to keep your mind open as better opportunities could open up to you. As you take steps towards achieving what you set out to do, you are also becoming more aware of opportunities that are coming your way, and this could be take you out of your comfort zone. This pushes you to sometimes embrace change, and to start thinking in the long-term.
The Three of Wands hints that you are creating a stable foundation for yourself.
The Three of Wands can show that you are in control and have a strong position, just like the character that overlooks and stands strong. The Three of Wands is one of the main cards of foresight and vision.
The last Three of Wands meaning is that of travel in search of what you are seeking. There is a sense of leaving home, a voyage that must be undertaken. Great things do not happen to those that simply wait for them, you must expand. For most readings, this shows that you may travel to a new land over the water and that you may find an opportunity during your travels.
Upright Love Meaning | Upright Career Meaning | Upright Finances Meaning |
next stage in relationship, romantic momentum, creating lasting foundation | new horizons in career, expanding your career options | expanding views about finances, expanding financial goals |
Upright 3 of Wands Tarot Love Meaning
With the 3 of Wands, it seems that your love life is heading to its next phase. Should you find yourself in a new relationship, it looks like you’ll have to make sure to create a strong foundation for lasting commitment. If you’re in a committed relationship, this can be a great moment to set sight of your goals as a couple, and work together to achieve those goals. Have that conversation of what it means to move in together; communication about even the most mundane details can ensure that you take this step with the least amount of frustration as possible. Alternatively, this card also can signal travel; take the chance to explore the world together - or if you’re single, new places can spark the love you’re looking for.
Career Meaning - Upright 3 of Wands
When upright, the three of wands depicts adventure and new experiences in every aspect of our life. This is true in the career position as well. Right now, you are likely to experience new opportunities to explore your career. Beyond that, your career can push to make bold choices that you might otherwise be hesitant to make. Here, it signifies a new chance or daring opportunity. This could mean starting a job abroad or otherwise traveling for work when you would not normally feel inclined to do so. This also applies to business. If you own a business and have debated going global, now is a good time to do so.
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Finances Meaning - Upright 3 of Wands
The three of wands, when upright, signals a time when you can enjoy the profits of your hard work. Your hours of labor are being rewarded. Don’t be afraid to spend your hard-earned money on something that broadens your horizons such as a trip or extended journey. If you have been debating a class or trip but held off for financial reasons, the cards are telling you now is your chance to embrace these desires and expand your mind. Your ideas of what financial stability and your relationship to money may be expanding now as well.
Reversed Three of Wands Meaning
The reversed Three of Wands indicates that you may have been embarking on personal journeys or developments, but you have not received the achievements that you were hoping for. This could be due to delays or road blocks. Despite all this, the card reminds you that all of your work has not been for nothing, but rather that it has helped you with your personal strength and fortitude.
The Three of Wands reversed can also mean you need to take some time to plan your future. This is especially true if you have not started on your long term goals or have become overwhelmed by the tasks that you face now, or will have to face soon. You are only reacting and not acting with thought and deliberation.
However, the most common Three of Wands reversed meaning is a nudge to include planning for future changes, and to watch for better options in case that they show up. The figure on the Three of Wands knows this and always keeps his eyes open for how the future could change, and it is a worthy lesson to learn.
Reversed Love Meaning | Reversed Career Meaning | Reversed Finances Meaning |
frustrations or obstacles in love, learning to compromise in love | obstacles in career path, lack of growth and challenge, feeling caged | delays in achieving financial goals |
Reversed 3 of Wands Tarot Love Meaning
Sometimes you can't say or do the right thing; if this is the case it might seem easier to hide your head in the sand. This would be unwise; you really need to get any issues addressed and problems sorted now.
The course of true love is seldom entirely smooth and any recent relationships may struggle to get off the ground, this doesn't mean they don't have wings, just that a bit of patience is called for. Trying to force things forward will be counterproductive. Before committing to a relationship, check your partner is all you think they are.
In all relationships we have to compromise from time to time, demanding your partner changes to suit you can cause problems. Are you being realistic?
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Career Meaning - Reversed 3 of Wands
Reversed, the three of wands can indicate frustration, stagnation or rejecting opportunities that are being presented to you. There may be many things that you wanted to explore, but you might feel boxed in or like you’ve let chances go by without capitalizing on them. Perhaps you turned down the chance to go somewhere else for a new job or expand your business globally. If you have not recently made such decisions, it could be that your frustration and annoyance with a lack of progression or challenge at your workplace is taking its toll.
Finances Meaning - Reversed 3 of Wands
In this position and with this orientation, the three of wands signifies that you may be in a state of financial chaos. It might not be that you are lacking money, but there are delays in being able to achieve your financial goals. If this card appears to you here, take better stock of what funds you have coming in and how much of it is going out. You may be able to weather this period without economic loss if you are more diligent. Be aware of your finances and take charge of them.