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Eight of Cups Meaning - Tarot Card Meanings
Eight of Cups Keywords
Upright Keywords | Reversed Keywords |
abandonment, walking away, letting go, searching for truth, leaving behind | stagnation, monotony, accepting less, avoidance, fear of change, staying in bad situation |
Skip to Upright Meaning | Skip to Reversed Meaning |

Eight of Cups Tarot Card Description
In the Eight of Cups, we are confronted with the moment of transition. We see a cloaked figure taking off to a barren land leaving behind eight golden cups. He is tired of what those cups that he has spent so much time collecting, and is now setting out to seeking a higher purpose. It may be a result of a boredom or unhappiness that comes with realizing that whatever they have been looking for in life isn’t as pleasurable or as satisfying as they once assumed it would be.
The person undertaking this journey might also signify be seeking excitement in the unknown. The mountainous barren lands that he sets off to can also be symbols of facing new challenges. Their stark emptiness seem to indicate that they are waiting for one to come and shape the. The journey that is taken can be done in the guise of trying out new things that have the potential to help one grow both mentally as well as spiritually.
It also shows the willingness to detach oneself from others so that one can work on self-improvement, self-understanding and growth.
Upright Eight of Cups Meaning
The Eight of Cups signifies time for change or transition, by means of walking away from something. Just like a caterpillar has to die before transforming into a beautiful butterfly, we all need to transform ourselves in our lives from time to time. This is the case especially after being tired of living what was the day to day, and embarking on a journey that will help one have a deeper understanding about life in general.
Getting the upright side of this card shows that you are dissatisfied with your life and need to experience a higher purpose in life. You may have been exploring your options, flitting about from one choice to another, tasting the wine in each cup, as a means to sort out what it is that you really want with your life. You are now experiencing a feeling of exhaustion - and are coming to a realization that you must step away from what is familiar. It is a choice, and a recognition that true happiness will not be found in what you have already created.
You are coming to a realization that you must step away from what is familiar.
More often than not, getting the Eight of Cups shows that one is tired of the worldly things and is about to embark on a much more spiritual journey. And if that’s the case, then be happy, because change happens when we most need it.
Upright Love Meaning | Upright Career Meaning | Upright Finances Meaning |
leaving unhappy relationship, abandonment issues | leaving unfulfilling job, taking vacation, escapism | choosing happiness over financial security |
Upright 8 of Cups Tarot Love Meaning
Take some time to ask yourself whether your relationship is one that you are happy with. The 8 of Cups tarot love meaning indicates that there is often some soul-searching that needs to be done about whether your partnership is one that truly fulfills you. Can you imagine spending the rest of your life with this person? Do they encourage you to be your best self? Do they encourage you to grow? Or instead are you with them because you are scared of being alone, or going back into the dating scene again? This is unfair for both you and your partner. It takes a lot of courage to look honestly within and answer these questions, as well as to walk away from a life that the two of you have built together.
Career Meaning - Upright 8 of Cups
The eight of cups in a career tarot reading can signal several things. Since the card in a general sense signals walking away and leaving something behind, it could be as simple as you taking a vacation from work, or as stressful as walking away from an unfulfilling job. If work has been especially draining recently, just a little escapism might help you feel refreshed. If you’re trying to make the decision about whether or not to leave your job, remember that sometimes you have to know when to cut your losses and move on. If you know how to make the most of any situation and make responsible decisions, it will offer you an exit to bad situations in favor of better ones.
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Finances Meaning - Upright 8 of Cups
Sometimes in order to make the right choices for us, we need to leave what we built behind. The eight of cups can suggest that you may have to leave behind some of your financial security in order to build a life that is right for you. Take this as a chance to attend to your finances before you make the big decision. Pay attention to how much you spend and on what. Be cautious of big expenditures at the current moment. You might find that you do not have as much funds to spend on them as you think you do. This card may just be a warning to plan ahead.
Eight of Cups Reversal Meaning
Getting the reversed Eight of Cups can show that one is in a state of confusion about which path they are supposed to take. The confusion usually arises from not knowing what is best for you and in the end, drifting in a sea of uncertainty is going to be the resulting effect.
One is likely to find themselves being aimless and not having clear cut goals in their lives. And in the end, they almost always end up following wherever the waves of life take them.
On the other hand, you may be aware of what you need to do. There is something that in your life that has for a long time stopped bringing you joy or pleasure, and though your soul's desire is to fly away from it, you find yourself remaining. The thought of leaving the security of what you have built fills you with fear - you are scared of both change and of losing something that has given you great comfort.
Most people usually find themselves stuck in limbo because they are stuck between two important decisions. For instance, one might want to change and work on themselves for the better, and at the same time, they may not in a position to make the necessary sacrifices that are necessary in order to achieve. We must have courage, to believe that we deserve better, that there are even more joyous things that are awaiting us if we take this journey.
Reversed Love Meaning | Reversed Career Meaning | Reversed Finances Meaning |
staying in a bad relationship, fear of being alone | accepting unfulfilling job, fear of change | choosing financial security over happiness |
Reversed 8 of Cups Tarot Love Meaning
With the reversed 8 of Cups tarot love meaning, your gut may be telling you that you need to leave your partnership, but there is something that holds you back. It is important to engage this and question that fear. It is so very difficult to give up what has been built, the time and emotions and energy that we have invested into another person, but sometimes one must be wise enough to leave something that truly isn’t working behind. You’ll have to work out whether the desire to leave comes from the relationship truly reaching its end, or whether it is still salvageable. Give yourself time to get a clear head about what you need to do, and address whatever it is that prevents you from moving on.
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Career Meaning - Reversed 8 of Cups
When the eight of cups is reversed, you may be finding it difficult, or even downright refusing to do walk away from something out of fear. You may feel that you are in an unfulfilling career, which you have the power to change. You can choose to either accept a role that offers you no emotional reward, creative outlet, or opportunity for growth, or make the necessary changes to look elsewhere. Do not be afraid of leaving something behind if it is no longer serving you. This task is true for those who own their own business as well. If you are holding on to your business or job out of a sense of duty or fear, now is the time to let go.
Finances Meaning - Reversed 8 of Cups
The reversed eight of cups signals that you may find it difficult to leave behind some of your financial security in pursuit of something better for you. You may be holding onto a job that does not serve you out of fear that you won’t find a better paying job elsewhere. This concern is valid, but bold decisions and risks are sometimes required. You’ll need to consider how much your happiness is truly worth. Set aside a little bit of time each day to look for openings that might meet your economic needs while also serving your emotional ones.