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Seven of Cups Meaning - Tarot Card Meanings
Seven of Cups Keywords
Upright Keywords | Reversed Keywords |
choices, searching for purpose, illusion, fantasy, daydreaming, wishful thinking, indecision | lack of purpose, disarray, confusion, diversion, distractions, clarity, making choices |
Skip to Upright Meaning | Skip to Reversed Meaning |

Seven of Cups Tarot Card Description
The Seven of Cups symbolizes imagination, choice, wishful thinking, illusion and fantasy. The card shows person with their back turned towards us, contemplating 7 images that are creeping out of the cups, all of which are floating in the clouds. Clouds are a representation of dreams, illusions, thoughts and imagination. There are numerous fantasies that are appearing from the cups, which are representative of the many visions that one sees while dreaming. The Seven of Cups may imply that you have a number of options to choose from.
Upright Seven of Cups Meaning
To draw the Seven of Cups in a reading shows that you need to clearly see the shadows and visions in your imagination, not only in your dreams but also in the real world. You should be careful of wishful thinking and be alert of the choices that you make. In one sense, the Seven of Cups indicates that you are a dreamer who is both excited and afraid of the things that you see in your unconscious. In another, the Seven of Cups is a reminder that although it is good to have dreams and wishes, it is even better to take action attaining those dreams. At one point in life, you will need to stop fantasizing and face the reality of life.
If you are unable to make a decision due to the many options that are available, you should evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each option so as to make the best choice. It is important to exercise caution when you are making your decision, as the card itself seems to show there is not only wonders and treasures that are available to you, but also monsters and shadows.
There are some cases when the Seven of Cups may show that you are living in ways that are not necessarily grounded in real life - that your actions are guided by illusions that you feed yourself. Your ideas may be so up in the clouds, developed only on your imagination. As such, you will need to separate what is real and what is not so that you can make better choices.
You will need to separate what is real and what is not so that you can make better choices.
The Seven of Cups is also linked with temptation. This applies in the upright meaning and also the Seven of Cups reversal meaning.
Upright Love Meaning | Upright Career Meaning | Upright Finances Meaning |
choosing between lovers, be cautious about romantic decisions | many career options, make a choice and stick to it | several financial opportunities, caution about financial choices |
Upright 7 of Cups Tarot Love Meaning
Several decisions lie ahead of you with the appearance of the 7 of Cups in a love tarot reading. If you are single, you may have to make a decision between different lovers, or perhaps between love and family, or love and career. The 7 of Cups tarot love meaning can also signal that all the choices may look tempting right now, but though they glisten with promise, they may be illusions. Take your time and consider things carefully; only diligent communication and evaluation will give you what you desire. With love, we may be tempted to rush into a situation, letting lust and infatuation guide us towards something that in the long run won’t last. It is important to think of all the options, as well as look into any red flags or gut feelings of “something is wrong”, you may feel about the relationship. Trust your instincts.
Career Meaning - Upright 7 of Cups
The seven of cups depicts a person confronted by a variety of options. If this card appears in relation to your career, you may be presented with many different ways you can advance at work. This plurality of options is generally a good thing, but it may be important to be wary about how much time you spend dreaming about something instead of taking steps to make it happen. Remember, a potential path is only as good as the steps you are willing to take down it. You have plenty of ways to make progress in your career, and they can all serve you well. But none will get you what you desire if you don’t choose one path and commit to it. Whatever you end up deciding will serve you well; so, act decisively and with confidence.
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Finances Meaning - Upright 7 of Cups
The seven of cups suggests that there are a number of ways you can better your financial standing. Take time to consider what your options are. Though generally this card does present you with many opportunities, it doesn’t mean that everything is decided for you. In order to turn these opportunities into reality, you will need to be proactive. Weigh each option and consider it critically. Often things that sound too good to be true are. Listen to your instincts and open your eyes to any red flags.
Interpreting the Upright 7 of Cups as Feelings
As a feeling, the Seven of Cups appears in a tarot reading to signify a sense of confusion or being overwhelmed by emotions. This card represents a time when emotions may be clouded, and it can be challenging to see things clearly. It may indicate that you are struggling to make decisions due to the multitude of options or possibilities in front of you.
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Interpreting the Upright 7 of Cups as Actions
In terms of actions, the Seven of Cups suggests that it is essential to take a step back and evaluate the situation before making any hasty decisions. It may be a time to prioritize and focus on what truly matters, rather than getting lost in fantasies or illusions. You are being reminded to ground yourself in reality and ensure you're not making decisions from wishful thinking. This card encourages you to be mindful of your actions and avoid getting carried away by unrealistic expectations.
Interpreting the Upright 7 of Cups as Yes or No
Nothing is ever entirely clear in tarot; readings are often much better at giving you the whys rather than something as clear as yes or no. With the Seven of Cups, this card can indicate a maybe or a need for further clarity. The answer may not be straightforward and more information or introspection is required before reaching a definitive conclusion. This card can be a sign to explore different perspectives and possibilities before making a final decision.
Seven of Cups Reversal Meaning
The Seven of Cups reversal is somewhat similar to the upright, as they both indicate dreams, illusions and temptations, but seem to emphasize the more negative qualities of this card. Your views may be inclined towards fantasy, and not grounded in reality. It may imply that you are unclear about the things that you are searching for.
The Seven of Cups reversed may also demonstrates your unwillingness to face the realities of life, and you are seeking to escape through imagination and daydreaming.
On the other hand, the Seven of Cups reversed may also indicate an end of confusion, of cutting out illusions, and moving forward with clarity.
Reversed Love Meaning | Reversed Career Meaning | Reversed Finances Meaning |
chaotic and confusing love life, avoiding romantic decisions, clarity about love | lack of career options, missed opportunities, creating clear career vision | financial clarity, distraction from financial goals, lack of financial goals |
Reversed 7 of Cups Tarot Love Meaning
Your lack of clarity about what you want in love can make your love life even more confusing and chaotic than it needs to be. There can be wasted time, missed opportunities, emotional upheavals, all because one is unable to make a choice. Your dating life can be filled with dead ends, broken hearts, and mixed messages. It is important to remain focused on what you want, instead of letting the world make your choices for you. Alternatively, if you are developing some awareness of what is important to you, taking action on those decisions can be rewarded. You can now take the steps you need to make things happen.
Career Meaning - Reversed 7 of Cups
While the upright seven of cups represents a plethora of options, the reversed seven can signify the opposite. It often appears to people who feel as if they are stuck in their job with no opportunities to advance. It is also common for those who feel as if they realized too late that the perfect position was available to them but they failed to act in time. Regardless of if either (or both) applies to you, try not to get hung up on these negative emotions. This card also represents a clear vision in terms of your career goals. Use these skills to honestly assess your position and where you have fallen short. Ask yourself what you could be doing to more proactively make progress in your career.
Finances Meaning - Reversed 7 of Cups
When it comes to your finances, the reversed seven of cups can have several conflicting meanings. You’ll need to take a closer look at your circumstances to understand which apply to you. It can signify clarity when it comes to making financial choices, giving you the focus and willpower to reach your goals. You are not easily distracted and are thus able to focus on what you need. This foresight will serve you well as it prevents needless spending. You might find that you are able to make and follow budgets or other structured plans particularly well right now. Alternatively, this card can also signify confusion and delusions, or an inability to turn daydreams to reality. When it comes to opportunities that are being offered to you, ensure you are not being scammed. Make sure you understand all the facts of any deal that is being presented to you.
Interpreting the Reversed 7 of Cups as Feelings
As a feeling, the reversed Seven of Cups, like its upright counterpart, often signifies confusion and being overwhelmed by emotions. You may be struggling to make sense of your emotions and feel lost or unsure about your true desires. The initial confusion of the upright card intensifies; it can even indicate a sense of disillusionment or a need to take a step back and reevaluate one's emotional state.
Interpreting the Reversed 7 of Cups as Actions
As an action, the reversed Seven of Cups calls on us to focus on clarity and prioritization. It suggests that you need to take practical steps to address your emotional confusion and make decisions based on a clear understanding of your true feelings. This may involve setting boundaries, seeking guidance from others, or engaging in self-reflection to gain a better understanding of your emotions. You are being called to play an active part in gathering knowledge and grounding your decisions in reality.
Interpreting the Reversed 7 of Cups as Yes or No
If you're looking for a simple yes or no, tarot isn't quite suited to give you that kind of clear cut answer. However, it can be deduced that the reversed Seven of Cups leans towards a no. This card indicates that there may be too much confusion or uncertainty surrounding the situation to give a definitive answer. It suggests that more clarity and understanding are needed before a decision can be made. It is a reminder to take the time to sort through emotions and thoughts before moving forward with a decision.
Seven of Cups: Reinforcing Cards
We won't be able to list each and every reinforcing card in the deck, but here are some of the first ones that come to mind. The appearance of the Seven of Cups alongside any of these cards could intensify this card's themes.
The Moon: The Moon tarot card is a powerful symbol of illusion, confusion, and the subconscious mind. When paired with the 7 of Cups, it suggests that you may be facing deep-seated fears or uncertainties that are clouding your judgment. This combination encourages you to trust their intuition and look beyond the surface to uncover hidden truths.
The Seven of Swords: The Seven of Swords is tarot card that reflects deception, trickery, and the need to be cautious. When combined with the 7 of Cups, it warns against being misled by false promises or unrealistic expectations. Together, this pairing signifies the need to approach situations with a critical eye and avoid making impulsive decisions based on fantasy or wishful thinking.
The Eight of Cups: The Eight of Cups represents the act of walking away from a situation that no longer serves our highest good. When appearing alongside the 7 of Cups, it suggests that you may need to let go of unrealistic dreams or desires in order to find clarity and emotional fulfillment. This combination encourages us to prioritize our emotional well-being and to release any illusions that are holding us back.
Seven of Cups: Opposing Cards
Opposing cards can provide a different perspective. In a reading, you may find that they create interesting points of tension between the 7 of cups, sometimes giving a much needed balance to the reading, or indicating some kind of inner conflict.
The Chariot: The Chariot represents control, determination, and willpower. It is tangible action grounded in reality, contrasting to the 7 of Cups and its daydreams and fantasies. Together, these cards can signal focus and action being used to overcome confusion and uncertainty. The Chariot's energy can help bring clarity and direction to a situation that is otherwise uncertain.
The Emperor: The Emperor represents structure, stability, and authority. Unlike the 7 of Cups, the emperor excels at providing structured and clear guidance, narrowing down the choices provided by the 7 of Cups. He is also grounded in reality, emphasizing practicality and real-world actions. This card's emphasis on discipline cancels out the deep indecision and lack of focus the 7 of Cups seems to suffer from.
The Ace of Swords: The Ace of Swords stands for mental clarity, truth, and decisive action. It cuts through confusion and illusion, providing the clarity and focus that counteract the indecision and fantasy associated with the Seven of Cups.