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Eight of Pentacles Meaning - Tarot Card Meanings
Eight of Pentacles Keywords
Upright Keywords | Reversed Keywords |
skill, talent, craftsmanship, quality, high standards, expertise, mastery, commitment, dedication, accomplishment | lack of quality, rushed job, bad reputation, lack of motivation, mediocrity, laziness, low skill, dead-end job |
Skip to Upright Meaning | Skip to Reversed Meaning |

Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card Description
The Eight of Pentacles card depicts a young man who is etching a pentacle shape into the eight golden coins. The card symbolizes someone who is completely focused and absorbed in what they are doing. The town that is far in the background means that he successfully isolated himself from the distractions so that he can fully concentrate on his task. The Eight of Pentacles refers to that moments in your life when you are dedicated to completing a certain task. You are fully-immersed, and you are committed in delivering the best version of your work.
Upright Eight of Pentacles Meaning
This card indicates a time that you have to work hard and focus entirely on your tasks. This is not necessarily a negative situation, but this means that you must really strive to be the best. The task that you need to accomplish can be personal or professional. No matter what type of task it is, do not be afraid to ask for help when things get overwhelming. The Eight of Pentacles refers to the efforts that you undertake. There is a possibility that there will be a lot of things that you need to address. Hard work is essential, but you still need to find a balance.
The Eight of Pentacles refers to the efforts that you undertake. There is a possibility that there will be a lot of things that you need to address.
When it comes to work, those who are seeking employment should expect that the nature of their job will be demanding. The Eight of Pentacles also indicates that you need to be confident in yourself that you will be able to fulfill the job. For those who are currently employed, you will be responsible for carrying out more tasks and responsibilities. Never hesitate to ask the assistance of your co-workers. In terms of love, your work may possibly be affecting your relationship. Regardless of how demanding your job is, you need to make some time for your emotional connections with other people.
On the matters of finances, The Eight of Pentacles may signify financial assistance that you have been hoping to receive. Be careful on how you are going to spend this money, remember that this is a fruit of your hard labor and not luck. When it comes to health, the Eight of Pentacles can mean that it is time for you to commit and work hard in order to improve your health - you must stay vigilant about exercise and diet.
Upright Love Meaning | Upright Career Meaning | Upright Finances Meaning |
achieved relationship goal, cultivating relationship | dedication, promotion, developing skills, showing talent | financial rewards, becoming financially independent |
Tarot Love Meaning - Upright 8 of Pentacles
If you think about it, loving someone is like cultivating a skill. It requires ever increasing amounts of empathy, compassion, patience and also curiosity and the desire for self-improvement. Be proud for what you have accomplished, and the lessons that you have learned. If you’re in a relationship, you may find that your lover is still surprising you, even all the time you have spent together. There are still new facets of them that you discover every day, if you look hard enough. Maybe you fell in love with them for their sweet kindness, only to see their passion erupt when they are confronted with danger, or something that violates their principles. Learning to appreciate those new sides of them are something that can deepen your love for one another.
Career Meaning - Upright 8 of Pentacles
When it comes to work, your dedication and commitment to improving your skills is likely to be rewarded. Career goals can be met now, and you may be achieving a new level of skill and expertise. Others may appreciate how much you’ve grown, and can look up to you as a leader in your field. Sometimes, this card can also indicate a promotion. If you’re in the process of starting your own business, your craftsmanship and care for your work will lead towards great success and profit. Keep your skills sharp, and remain curious. If you’re currently in a period of study, your talent may impress others right now.
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Finances Meaning - Upright 8 of Pentacles
With the 8 of Pentacles, you may be looking at financial rewards for your dedication and your commitment to your field. Sometimes a promotion may be indicated, or more business if you’re self-employed. If you’ve been careful with your finances, you may be slowly becoming more financially independent. When you enjoy your success, you may have memories of how difficult things were before. Give yourself a pat on the back, and let those thoughts motivate you.
Reversed Eight of Pentacles Meaning
When reversed, the Eight of Pentacles signifies something similar to the upright position, but the tasks may be even more demanding. This means that you need to execute swiftly and with great care if you want to be happy and successful with this outcome. In terms of work, the Eight of Pentacles reversed refers to the importance of impressing your employer through your diligence, dedication and intelligence. Never avoid any task or responsibility in your work - or else this can damage your reputation. In love, the Eight of Pentacles may reveal that both of you may not be prepared to handle the responsibilities to make your relationship work
You need to execute swiftly and with great care if you want to be happy and successful.
With regards to finances, you may be delusional about your current financial state. Perhaps you are currently relying on pure luck to make it. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with dreaming, you should understand that you should be patient and be ready to work hard if you want to improve your standing. In relation to health, the Eight of Pentacles reversed may point to a situation that is worrying you, but you have no idea how to fix it. Never be afraid to ask the help of a medical professional to help you understand your condition and improve.
Reversed Love Meaning | Reversed Career Meaning | Reversed Finances Meaning |
not putting effort into love, neglecting relationship | little motivation, tedious job, low quality work | careless about finances, overspending |
Tarot Love Meaning - Reversed 8 of Pentacles
You can’t cut any corners, or take any shortcuts when it comes to love. The reversed 8 of Pentacles tarot love meaning is a reminder that the effort we put into our relationships and our love life matters. We can either devote ourselves to them, and patiently watch it flourish under our care, or we can take it for granted, and let it eventually die. This means that your relationship or romantic life may require a lot from you right now. It may be that your partner may need you to step up; have you been doing your part of the chores? Have you been expressing your affection? Have you shown your love as much as you have been accepting love? Try and make sure that both your needs are being met.
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Career Meaning - Reversed 8 of Pentacles
You may be stuck in a tedious job that you hate right now. Having little enthusiasm is likely to affect how much effort you put into your job, and it’s likely that your work suffers. You may feel like you are in no hurry to make any changes however. The work you are doing feels bland, and you are no longer concerned with improving your skill set. Instead, you can just be dragging your feet, waiting for the time to clock out and collect a paycheck. Employers right now may feel that you lack the experience needed for new positions. If you have a business, quality standards may fall, and your reputation may be damaged as a result.
Finances Meaning - Reversed 8 of Pentacles
Even managing your finances takes work. You may be a bit careless with your finances, meaning overspending, or perhaps total ignorance. When you need the money, you may find yourself in a bit of a bind. It’s better to face these matters and take care of them before they get worse.