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Page of Pentacles Meaning - Tarot Card Meanings
Page of Pentacles Keywords
Upright Keywords | Reversed Keywords |
ambitious, diligent, goal oriented, planner, consistent, star student, studious, grounded, loyal, faithful, dependable | foolish, immature, irresponsible, lazy, underachiever, procrastinator, missed chances, poor prospects |
Skip to Upright Meaning | Skip to Reversed Meaning |

Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Description
The Page of Pentacles card depicts a youth standing all by himself in a wide field surrounded by flowers. In the background, you will also notice several lush trees and a furrowed field. The young man seems to be walking in a slow manner and appears unaware of his surroundings, for his attention is completely captured by the coin he is holding, and all that it represents: ambition, security, wealth, nature, and sensuality. The Page of Pentacles symbolizes a person who is grounded, loyal and diligent.
Upright Page of Pentacles Meaning
When we meet the Page of Pentacles, we see immediately that she is one that is ambitious and focused. She is protected, nourished, provided for by the suit whose name she bears. Guided by it, she is deeply tied to the earth, nature, and all of its gifts. She cherishes the body, for it too is something which is a manifestation of her element. Her diligence, ambition and loyalty drives her to quickly make plans for the future - for it is there where her focus lies.
Guided by the pentacles, she is deeply tied to the earth, nature, and all of its gifts. She cherishes the body, for it too is something which is a manifestation of her element.
When you meet her, she may be the bearer of news connected to all earthly and material matters. When you hear her message, be inspired as she is - lay down the foundations to follow your ambitions.
Generally, the Page of pentacles refers to the kind of energy that you need to complete all that is needed for your work. It may point to the determination, focus and the ability to stick with a particular task no matter how boring it may seem. In terms of work, the Page of Pentacles may signify that there are a lot of tasks you are responsible for, but your time to complete them is much too limited. This is not the time to feel stressed and overwhelmed. Assistance will be there for you, you just have to ask for it.
In relation to finances, the Page of Pentacles can refer to the reward for your hard work. For those who are investing their hard–earned money, this is not the perfect time for you to take the risk. Invest your money in a safe and traditional way - the diligence will pay you back. If you are currently experiencing a health issue, this problem may be the result of the continuous neglect. Let a professional make sure that this is not the case.
Upright Love Meaning | Upright Career Meaning | Upright Finances Meaning |
quiet, steady, diligent lover, dedication in relationship | making plans to achieve ambitions, big dreams, training | setting good habits with finances |
Tarot Love Meaning - Upright Page of Pentacles
The person symbolized by the Page of Pentacles is ambitious, loyal and practical; they may often be seen as studious, but once you get to know them well, they can also be quite funny. Their ambition and focus means that they are hardworking. They are likely to be as dedicated as they are to a lover, as they are to their goals. Their quiet demeanor may make them hard to notice at first, compared to other folks that may be more out going.
If this doesn’t represent a person that is entering your love life, the Page of Pentacles tarot love meaning can simply signal this Page’s dedication and loyalty in your relationship. While sometimes the relationship can lack passion and feel a bit boring, the love is there; you may only need to go out there and figure out how to inject some fun and excitement back into your romance. Try not to always put practicality before passion in the relationship and the two of you should be just fine.
Career Meaning - Upright Page of Pentacles
You may now be building a strong foundation for success. You’re likely to be creating your goals, planning strategies and putting those plans into action. You’re not afraid to put yourself out there in order to achieve your wildest dreams. It is likely that there are lots of work opportunities available for you, so go ahead and reach for them! Sometimes, this card can also suggest that you are going through or looking to start a higher education program. Study hard; if you do the work, you’re likely to do an amazing job.
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Finances Meaning - Upright Page of Pentacles
Good news is coming in regards to your finances. The Page of Pentacles promises good rewards, so long as you take the steps to plan your future. Do the research, stay on track with your budget, and you’ll be seeing that your effort will make a big difference in your material situation.
Reversed Page of Pentacles Meaning
When the Page of Pentacles card appears reversed, it may point to your lack of focus. There is a possibility that you are being distracted with lots of things. Try to borrow the talents of this page and focus your mind before moving on the next thing.
The Page of Pentacles may point to your lack of focus.
It may also indicate that you need to give yourself a break to refresh your mind. With regards to work, the Page of Pentacles reversed may signify that you are currently feeling overwhelmed due to the heavy demands in your workplace. Remember that it is always better to ask for assistance and complete the work rather than to try to finish it all by yourself and end up failing to do so. In terms of love, you are probably in a solid and steady romantic relationship, but perhaps someone else has caught your interest lately.
When it comes to your finances, the Page of Pentacles reversed may refer to that urge to play and gamble. Be sure to stay responsible and be in control of your actions. In terms of health, do your best to stay away from dangerous activities.
Reversed Love Meaning | Reversed Career Meaning | Reversed Finances Meaning |
lack of commitment, boredom, monotonous relationship | avoiding work, lazy, unmotivated, wants success without work | financial insecurity, financial irresponsible |
Tarot Love Meaning - Reversed Page of Pentacles
The reversed Page of Pentacles tarot love meaning can signal a lack of commitment and dedication when it comes to matters of the heart. Instead of focusing on long term companionship, you may find yourself easily distracted by every new person. There’s nothing wrong with this, but make sure set clear expectations and not lead potential lovers on. Other times, this card can point towards an ambivalence to dating. If you’re in a relationship, this Page can suggest a relationship that has become stagnant and monotonous. There can be frustration stemming from this boredom. You and your partner will need to work hard to remain together and remember why you two fell in love in the first place.
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Career Meaning - Reversed Page of Pentacles
Bad news can be coming when the Page of Pentacles is reversed. You may be neglecting your work or your studies right now, meaning that your foundations for success is feeling rather shaky. You may day dream about being successful, but when it comes to putting in the work, you can be lazy and unmotivated. Sometimes this comes from unrealistic ideals about success. We often see the result, but not the back-breaking work it takes to get there. Be realistic about what you want to achieve, and whether you are willing to sacrifice to get there. If you’re currently in school, you may not be doing well, or putting in your best effort.
Finances Meaning - Reversed Page of Pentacles
The reversed Page of Pentacles can bring bad financial news, or sometimes material insecurity. You may be anxious and worried when it comes to finances. Sometimes this card can also suggest being irresponsible with your money. While it can be scary, it is important to know exactly what is going in and what is going out of your bank accounts. Don’t avoid this; make sure you spend within your means. Savings in case of emergencies can be helpful.