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Six of Pentacles Meaning - Tarot Card Meanings
Six of Pentacles Keywords
Upright Keywords | Reversed Keywords |
generosity, charity, community, material help, support, sharing, giving and receiving, gratitude | power dynamics, abuse of generosity, strings attached gifts, inequality, extortion |
Skip to Upright Meaning | Skip to Reversed Meaning |

Six of Pentacles Tarot Card Description
In the image on the Six of Pentacles, there is a man who is dressed in purple robes. The color purple symbolizes is the status and wealth of this man. He has a scale that is balanced in one hand, which stands for equality and fairness. We are reminded of the Justice tarot card, which suggests karma, cause and effect, and that we receive what we give. His other hand is giving money to two beggars who are kneeling at his feet. The Six of Pentacles suggests that you are in a secure enough position to give to others without affecting your own stability.
Upright Six of Pentacles Meaning
The Six of Pentacles means is that you are in a position where you have a good relationship with your income. Like the main figure in the card, the amount of money that you bring in and your expenses are balanced well, and you are fortunate enough to not have any stress. You are also grateful for all that you own and can happily share your wealth with others. As you can tell from the imagery in the card, the Six of Pentacles can be about charity. You can either be the man giving away money to the needy, or a beggar gratefully receiving what you need from wealthy donor.
As you can tell from the imagery in the card, the Six of Pentacles can be about charity. You can either be the man giving away money to the needy, or a beggar gratefully receiving what you need from wealthy donor.
If the card is showing that you are the giver, you have built up wealth, and you are now able to help others with financial assistance. You may have lived long enough in the darkness of the Five of Pentacles to be able to see the light. You are thinking about giving to charities or helping someone who could need your support and was in the same position you were before. The Six of Pentacles does not have to be about material gifts or money, it can also mean your time and presence.
If the card is showing you are one of the beggars, you could be receiving someone else’s charity. This could help you recover, so take the help - you will be able to repay the kindness in the future. You may also be able to find ways of becoming self-sufficient in the future. Despite this situation, you should be mindful that you should not become desperate or submissive during this time.
Upright Love Meaning | Upright Career Meaning | Upright Finances Meaning |
supportive relationship, generous lover | mentor, being a valued employee, investors | financial support, donations |
Tarot Love Meaning - Upright 6 of Pentacles
Kindness and generosity characterizes your relationship, with the 6 of Pentacles tarot love meaning. Your partner may be very supportive of you emotionally and financially as you are pursuing your goals. You may be going to school, or starting a new business venture, but perhaps a bit fearful on what the risk could do to your partnership. But you may find a happy surprise in your partner’s willingness to help you achieve that goal. Remember however, to keep the partnership balanced. Be giving and reciprocate to your partner in other ways, to show how much you appreciate them. In this way, your relationship thrives. If you’re single, you may find that you or another person’s generosity with energy, time or resources can lead to love.
Career Meaning - Upright 6 of Pentacles
If you draw the 6 of Pentacles in a work tarot spread, there may be a more senior person at your workplace that is ready to help you achieve your career goals. This mentor can be very generous with their time and their energy in helping you succeed, and attain more skills and a higher status within your career path. The 6 of Pentacles can also signal that your workplace puts a high value on your contributions. If you’re looking for a new job, this card can suggest that the changes will be even better than you expected. If you own your own business, this card can suggest investors, or folks that are willing to help you grow your business.
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Finances Meaning - Upright 6 of Pentacles
You’re likely to find much generosity within your community at the moment. If you’ve had a dream to start a project or a business, you may find many people willing to help you make this a reality. Go out and ask, pitch your idea, create a kickstarter campaign, tell people what you want to build. Your passion is likely to inspire others to help in whatever way they can. On the other hand, you may find that you’re in the position of giving others your material support right now. You may now be in a comfortable position where you can afford helping others.
Reversed Six of Pentacles Meaning
The Six of Pentacles reversed can suggest that charity can be one-way. If you have loaned someone money, you should not be expecting your money to be paid back, or your favor to be returned in the future. You should be cautious about the people you are lending money to, especially if you are not financially stable. You could also have problems with spending and giving away more than you can really afford.
The Six of Pentacles reversed can also warn you about the debts that you have. This could mean that you are in over your head and it is going to come back and be a major problem in the future. You should also be careful of entering business endeavors during this time because you could end up with a huge loss, instead of getting a return on your investment.
The last Six of Pentacles reversal meaning is that there is selfishness related to giving and charity. This may mean that you are willing to give others in a way that is not to benefit them, but to benefit yourself. You should be cautious that you are not just being charitable to prove you are giving or generous to others. The source of generosity should be selfless, not selfish.
Reversed Love Meaning | Reversed Career Meaning | Reversed Finances Meaning |
unfair power dynamics, taking advantage of love, controlling lover | hidden agendas, quid pro quo, sucking up to bosses | lack of help, unfair loans, gifts with strings attached, resentment |
Tarot Love Meaning - Reversed 6 of Pentacles
Power dynamics and imbalances can create big problems within your relationship with the reversed 6 of Pentacles tarot love meaning. Should one partner always be giving and giving, and the other receiving, one person can feel taken advantage of and resentful, while the other can feel trapped and dependent. It is always important to maintain a level of independence and self-sufficiency in the relationship. The dynamics here must be corrected again in order for this relationship to become healthy. Those who are single may want to be wary of partners that create this power imbalance; avoid being too generous or too dependent on your romantic relationships.
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Career Meaning - Reversed 6 of Pentacles
Beware of people in your workplace that can seem helpful and generous, but may have hidden agendas. Someone may abuse their position of power, or offer you help. But these create the circumstances for feeling that you 'owe' them later on. They may ask you to do something at the cost of your honor. If you’re someone with power, remember to give your help without asking anything in return; you must have memories of what it was like when you were younger. If you’re someone that is receiving help, be sure not to abuse that help. Are you sucking up to someone whose position or status can aid you? This may be more obvious to others than you think. Avoid that temptation and remain honest with yourself and others.
Finances Meaning - Reversed 6 of Pentacles
If you’ve been looking for financial help, it may look bleak right now. It doesn’t seem like there are others that can offer you what you need. If you do find someone willing to help you, be cautious. Check that your loan terms are fair, or that gifts don’t come with strings attached. Otherwise, you may find yourself in bigger trouble than you are now. If you’re someone who is in the position to give, avoid feelings of resentment, or taking advantage of your financial comfort. Alternatively, you may be the one being taken advantage of; ensure that your financial assistance goes to who you want it to go to by giving it directly. Beware of scams that prey on kind hearts.