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The Suit of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

By Tina Gong


The Minor Arcana consists 4 suits, and 56 cards, and typically are related to everyday events or aspects of our lives. One of suits is the suit of pentacles, which corresponds to the element of earth. Consider this element when working with a pentacles tarot card; the earth is the ground that we stand on, firm and reliable. It also is where we plant seeds to help them grow into things that give us sustenance. 

The suit of pentacles therefore represents our sense of resilience, our responsibility, and our reliability. When the suit of pentacles appears in your tarot reading, they usually are talking about resources that we have, our bodies, finances, and our sense of security.

Suit of Pentacles Strengths

The suit of pentacle's strengths lie within its ability to pass the test of time. Since the earth suit is related to all things that are matter, it also represents nature and our body. Pentacles provides us with solid foundations so that we can grow and progress as people. Those that are connected to the suit of pentacles are reliable, responsible and ambitious. They oftentimes are hard-working, and understand that with steady effort, something can grow to stand the test of time.

Suit of Pentacles Weaknesses

At its worst, the suit of pentacles and the element of earth has a hard time dealing with change. This suit can be stubborn, which is their quality of reliability going too far. Their concern with the material world can also go to extremes by becoming materialistic, greedy and possessive. Reversed pentacles tarot cards can signify these qualities, or being lacking of the earth element; practicality, common sense can be missing, and instead they can signify laziness, carelessness, and some kind of loss of resources. 

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The Suit of Pentacles Tarot Correspondences

suit pentacles
element earth
keywords nature, body, material world, stability
duality passive
astrological signs taurus, virgo, capricorn
alternate names coins, disks
jungian function sensation

The Earth Element & Suit of Pentacles Tarot Correspondences

Earth Element correspondence infographic - The Suit of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

Labyrinthos Academy Crest: Tarot for Health, Wellness and Psychological Balance

The Suit of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

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